Newbie question I know but how do you trigger the start of Track T2 by raising the volume above a certain level on track T1? cheers.
Not sure I understand your question correctly. You cannot start/stop tracks individually on the Digitone.
As a workaround, you could do this manually : select T1, go in mute mode, raise T1 level, unmute T2.
Trigger condition perhaps? What do you think?
Conditional trigs are applied to exactly one step in a track and I don’t think they are what you’re looking for. If you elaborate a bit more on what you’re trying to do, maybe there’ll be more helpful replies. If you’re talking about fading in a track you could use an LFO to raise the volume. It’s the threshold thing you refer to that’s not clear to me.
from the way your question is phrased i’m assuming that you mean to use the level of track 1 as a kind of sidechained gate for track 2, automatically unmuting the latter only when the level of the first exceeds a specified threshold.
if that is the case, then that is unfortunately not possible on the DT. if it is a performance thing, i recommend just practicing over and over until you can feel when the best time to unmute track 2 is. you might also be able to use trig conditions creatively to accomplish a similar (or at least equally interesting) effect.
I think we are talking along the same lines. Yes, as track1 repeats then if by turning the volume I want track 2 to kick in above a certain level and then kick out of the volume is turned down.
Dont think that can be programmed, you can on something like Ableton or just doing it manually.
oh okay, then yeah, that is unfortunately not possible to do automatically on the digitone but you could definitely still do it manually while playing, by muting/unmuting track 2 when needed.
also, when the new overbridge is released, you might actually be able to accomplish exactly that by processing each of the audio tracks individually. you could send them into a DAW and sidechain the level of track 1 to gate the level of track 2, so that track 2 will only be heard when track 1 exceeds the volume threshold that you specify. not possible right now of course, but hopefully will be soon. :3