Triggering a sound just with an LFO?

I was just experimenting with my Rytm a bit and wondered whether or not there’s a way to trigger a sound (for example noise) just with an LFO? My goal is to create sounds without a real “Starting” trig appealing.
With a trig on step 1 and and LFO modifying volume I can achieve a moving sound, however the trigger at the beginning of the sound is still present.
Wondered If there’s a trick to do differently. I do this a lot in my modular by just patching an LFO to modify an incoming VCO signal in a VCA.

Thanks and Cheers:)

With synth machines and samples you’ll have to trig them, no sound otherwise, but you can use an lfo on amp volume to open the amp (vca). Set amp volume to zero, trig sound and use lfo on amp volume. One shot lfo with exponential wave is a classic to get a snappier envelope behaviour, but you can also use the other lfo shapes.

You can also trig a sound, set decay to max, amp env hold and decay to max (similarly to an modular oscillator you’ll have a constand sound once trigged) and then open the vca with an lfo. You can use a free running lfo (p-lock to reset on trigless trigs) or trig mode, hold mode…place some trigs and experiment.
Also should work on synth machine and sample level.

When you let the filter self-oscillate, you maybe can excite it with an lfo and get it to ring without triggering first. Try lfo on resonance maybe? Not sure, but I think I remember that worked quite nicely.
The lfo can also modulate the the level of the impulse machine and you could excite the filter this way.