Triggering during playback

2nd synth track is on a midi ch. 5.
When I play with Digitone trig keys, i hear the sound of track 2 and the sound of Blofeld, which is also on ch 5. The Digitone midi out and thru to midi merge in, midi merge out ot Blofeld midi in.
But when I record in the sequencer, only Digitone’s voice is heard during playback, Blofeld is not triggered. What could be the reason?

The behaviour of the trig keys can be configured.

From the manual:

TRIG KEY DEST controls whether the [TRIG] keys sends MIDI data or not. When set to INT, the [TRIG] keys only affect the Digitone and sends no MIDI data. When set to INT + EXT, the [TRIG] keys affect the Digitone, and also send MIDI data to external devices. When set to EXT, the [TRIG] keys do not affect the Digitone but send no MIDI data externally.

The reason why the Blofeld is not triggered by the sequencer is simple: the audio tracks of the Digitone sequencer don’t send midi notes.

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Thank You!

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