Triggering external MIDI from Syntakt - Doubling

I am trying to trigger an external device (SP404MK2) from my Syntakt to double the Elektron machine with a sample. I resigned myself to doing this with a separate track with a MIDI machine, but that eats up a track and you have to make all your pattern edits twice.

I found a thread where someone found a workaround by switching TRIG KEY DST to “INT+EXT”

After enabling that, when I press the trig keys on the ST it does double the ST machine to the external, but the strange thing is that the sequencer won’t do this. Even when live recording the trigs in the external is triggered while recording but not from the sequencer playback.

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Only A4 and AR sequencers can send midi with their audio tracks (triggering audio at the same time).


I found myself wanting this too, yesterday. Was playing the Syntakt from a polyphonic / multitimbral controller keyboard, and really liked some of the voice stacking while I was playing. Will email

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Models series can do this as well! Frustrating that it seems intentionally left out of Syntakt.