Triggering/recording multiple midi channels w mm in logic x

Does anyone know if there is a way to set up the midi environment so that it becomes possible to break up the 6 incoming MM (or any other multi track midi sequencer) channels into separate tracks in logic x?

Its possible to configure midi inputs to specific tracks in the midi environment, and in the case of external tracks it is possible to define a midi channel, but it seems you can’t further assign an incoming midi channel from the sending device.

It is necessary to isolate the incoming midi into specific channels as logic x listens to the incoming midi data regardless of channel and passes it on to a specific channel thereafter.

Logic’s always been a bit of a pain with midi routing but it got a bit easier in X. This might help:

The “Auto demix by channel” setting is often the culprit.

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I have used the Auto demix by channel before but find it to be pretty sketchy. All tracks have to be record enabled, if only one track is record enabled it reverts to typical midi sum behaviour. If you create a stack of midi tracks (6 - 12 tracks for the MM) the record enabled tracks stop being record enabled if you close the summing stack. Everything can go haywire by a simple mistake with the mouse.

It’s possible to fix ports to tracks using the environment. It would be useful if you could add the midi channel you wish to send from and the channel you wish to send to and further define the input ports for multi channel use.

Logic’s midi porting is pretty backward. It all feels like a work around.

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Yeah, I agree. Far more complicated than it should be.