Triggerless trig p-lock doesn't work?

Got a synth sound starting in step one of the sequence and a triggerless p-lock on step 5 for the reverb and delay. When the sequence gets there, it doesn’t seem to trigger those on for that part of the extended note. Am I missing something?

What’s your first note length?

16 in half time so it stops at 9.

So to be clear, you’re using a trigless lock to quickly bump up the reverb and delay sends to a certain level from their original value of zero?

Try this: on the last step of the pattern, add one more trigless lock setting the reverb and delay send parameters both BACK TO ZERO.

Didn’t work.

I tried with these setttings, it worked as intended. Any trig condition on your yellock trig?

It’s not working with any plocks on that yellow trig. I hit FUNC + trig to make the triggerless, but I then plock on there?

I feel like I’m going nuts.

After Fn+Trig release, yes.
No trig conditions / prob?

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Yes, start with a blank step. Hold FUNC and tap the step to place a blank trigless lock. Release. You should have a yellow light on the step. Then, while holding it down again, turn your parameters to the desired setting.

Make sure that at some point in the pattern, you place another trigless lock which sets the parameters back to their original value.

Can you attach a video of it?

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Yeah yeah. I got all that. I was more asking rhetorically. For some reason it just won’t work. Works fine on the OT and DT. Maybe it’s a jacked up project. I’ll try a new one tomorrow and see what happens.

@sezare56 no prob trigs or conditions. It’s so weird. Plocks on the note triggers work fine, too.

@RhythmDroid @sezare56 I figured it out I think. The triggerless plocks don’t effect the sound of it’s arpegiatted. If I make a long note with no arp, the plock works, but if the arp is on, it doesn’t seem to work at all.

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Surprising. I already use lock trigs and arp…
@slicetwo Edit : apparently lock trigs parameters are stopped after the next note of the arp or something.
I could send delay / reverb, the chorus what stopped.

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Yeah. And since each arp notes stop the lock, laying in a bunch In a row doesn’t have the same effect.

Wouldn’t this be expected behavior? I mean when the arp triggers the note anew it comes with its own (original) parameters …

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Make sense, but maybe I’d prefer lock trig setting kept till next trig…
I didn’t try to duplicate lock trigs.

I agree. In some cases, the workaround is the arp restarting, but if you have a more dynamic arp pattern, that could get in the way.