Triggless Lock - cant alter sample start

So I have, say a drum sample loop, which plays in tempo with 16 steps of the sequencer.
I want to add trigless lock (yellow) to change loop playback start (say loop starts with a kick, and I want trigless lock to change that and fast forward to a snare somewhere within the sample).
I have tried this and nothing happens.
I have tried altering all other parameters (loop, end, playback mode) on that trigless lock and it works - is it just sample start that it cannot change? Seems little odd. If it can change playback type in the middle of the loop playback, it can for sure “jump” to a new sample start time set by triggles lock. Pls help.

A trigless lock will not trigger the playback of the sample so that’s why it seems that nothing happens. Simply use a normal trig with sample start locked to the snare :slight_smile:


Got it. S basically instead of triggles lock i need to add another trigger with altered sample start . Duh, makes sense, sorry.cheers.

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No worries, your thinking wasn’t irrational at all :slight_smile:

If you want to go with the new Elektron nomenclature, Yellow are called Lock Trigs.

true, i was using oktatrack nomenclature i guess. Yeah, lock trigs.

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There is so much confusion about those Yellow Trigs.

TBH it was i should ve just tried with something that makes more sense - add triggers with different sample starts. I underestimated elektron way - it is not as complicated as ppl think, if you ever had any step - pattern based stuff ,but so many options force you to do a bit of maths :smile_cat:
Conditions - can someone tell me good examples for use of nei, and pre. I know what they do, just wonder how you ppl use them. Basically can be chokes, can be layers…

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Well if they keep on changing names yeah lol . Functionality is clear, its just a fancy name for automation node point, without re-triggering the sound.

Confusion? I didn’t even know they existed on DT until I read this. I thought they were only on the bigger boxes.

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What do you mean? Bigger how?
We have
Track trigs - red. Have ability to mock parameter, conditional trig etc
Lock Trigs - or Trigless Trigs - yellow. Have all abilities as red trig EXCEPT for triggering the sound on that track.
I believe same applies to MIDI, but due to the differences between sample (audio content on track) and MIDI (protocol) You would use these differently.

For me I only use pre and nei in conjunction with trigs that have probability assigned.

Pre is great if you have a fill that you want to execute over multiple trigs using the same probability test. So for example on trig 10 I have a trig at 25% probability, and every time it hits I want the trigs on 11 and 12 to go as well. You put Pre on 11 and 12 and they’ll wait until 10 hits. Not-Pre is great to choke regular hits when a randomized one goes before it. Like in the above sample if I had a hit on 13 I didn’t want to fire whenever 10, 11 and 12 go, I just set that one to Not-Pre.

Nei is similar, but just listens to the trig on the adjacent track to determine if it should go rather than the preceding step on the same track. Like say you wanted a second clap to fire at the same time on track 5 that your snare hits on track 4. Or vice verse, Not-Nei would fire whenever the neighbor track doesn’t.

Now I think I’ll call them yellock trigless to avoid confusion. :content:

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I am glad I have instigated this convo.
Trig and different conditions can create so much if you crack it out. Literally you can make one single pattern evolve into entire song.
I would encourage you to share your ideas about conditions that you use the most and how you use them.

My favorite trick is a % trc followed by a /PRE with - 23 microtiming, in order to alternate them randomly.
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