Trigless Locks - Why/How to use them

Wierd, I must have dreamt it then, makes sense that you cant but I was so sure I had seen it said or done, way back around release time.
I was hoping to add a trigless lock with a fill condition to manually effect the track, I wonder whether a midi track could be used instead?.

Well maybe you are right, from the manual:

  1. Place note trigs on the sequencer using the sixteen [TRIG] keys. To add a trigless lock, press [FUNCTION] and [TRIG]. Trigless locks may be entered on any step of the sequencer, including ones containing note trigs. Quickly pressing the [TRIG] key of any of the trigs entered will remove the trig. Pressing a [TRIG] key of a trig and holding it slightly longer will prepare the trig for editing, rather than removing it.

So one question is, can you have different microtiming on trigs and trigless locks on the same step?


One trig only offers one step of possibilities.
Itā€™s impossible to place 2 trigs on 1

Thatā€™s what I thought. Weirdly worded in manual. Basically it should read ā€œYOU CAN PUT A TRIGLESS TRIG ON A STEP WITH A NOTE TRIG, BUT YOUR NOTE WILL NO LONGER BE TRIGGEREDā€


It could be usefull if a trigless lock could over ride a normal trig though, there are so many times I want to add a fill but the trig allready has an A-B attatched and a trig either side.

Can you move the trigs on either side?
Or use retrigs to get 2 for 1?

Not in these cases, the problem is most trigs end up with a condition on them so if I add a fill I need a -fill on the trig its replacing as well as any following trig that may interfere, the way i work there is seldom any room. If a fill on a trigless lock over ruled a normal trig condition it would open up lots of possibilities.

Why would you want to add a trigless trig to a step that already has a trig? I donā€™t get it

So I can interupt the fixed condition that exsists on the trig with a fill and add variation, a kind of alternative conditional trig triggered with the fill.

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Edit: I thought I was responding to @x0x.

Iā€™ve been dreaming of trig layers for quite sometime. Imagine a world where you could add layers of conditional modulation to a single trig, etc.

Sorry if Iā€™m hijacking this thread but I too am struggling with the idea of a trigless universeā€¦ A trigless trig is essentially a manual version of a motion sequence (from what I am gathering here). My question is does it use up one of the 8 voices? Or is it merely a fancy automation technique?

Itā€™s just automation, it allows you to place automation on a step without triggering the voices.


It must be possible but by using midi to control the parameter you want(by adding a midi cable from the digitakā€™s midi out to itā€™s midi in).

Hi everyone,

Iā€™m trying to use a Lock trig with Fill, and having trouble getting it to work.

Iā€™m using it to cut off a long sample on Track 1 so that the Fill notes on Track 2 are easier to hear.

I set the Lock to make a short envelope in AMP, and confirmed it works to stop the sample how I wanted.
But when I set the trig condition to Fill it only works if I press Page + Yes exactly when the Lock trig is in the beat.

Is this a known issue, or are Lock Trigs with Fill intended to work this way?

Best regards,


Just going off memory here but Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve seen some discussion about doing this as a quick way to mute/unmute regular trigs without losing the data on them. Havenā€™t tried it personally so not sure exactly how it works, but the reasoning behind it makes sense to me!

Should I report this as a bug?

It makes sense that Lock Trigs should work with Fill.
Or did other Elektron sequencers also not support this?

Best regards,


One thing I have been using trigless trigs for is sending cc midi messages to external hardware. For example, I want the patch on my microkorg to use the arpeggiator for one pattern and then switch to just whole notes on the next. You can use a trigless trig to send the arp on/off command, or any other parameter you want to change. Iā€™ve really been digging the way the DT allows me to use its internal sounds but also control my hardware. It makes you think about music that is focused on sound and less on visual images like a DAW. Clicking a mouse is easier but playing an instrument is more fun. I even use Savihost to sequence soft synths in real time, no DAW required. Love the immediacy of playing instruments. Just the way that work for me.


Iā€™ll try to test this on AR soon, probably tomorrow morningā€¦

Tested on ARā€¦
Itā€™s a bit different so I donā€™t know if this will all make sense butā€¦

On AR you can choose on the trig menu if a trig should launch Synth, Sample, Envelope, and Lfo. With all of them off for a full trigless lock I couldnā€™t get amp envelope settings to have any effect even outside of fill mode, amp vol worked. It seems I have to have a Synth or Sample toggle activated for the envelope changes to work, it seems the launching of either of those fires the envelope and you canā€™t adjust settings with a trigless lock, the launching bakes them in, the envelope toggle only affects the filter envelopeā€¦

If I do have a Synth or Sample toggle activated the shortened hold and decay locks work as expected but the sound gets triggered again, works fine in fill mode regardless of when I activate it.

As usual thereā€™s work arounds like having the lock trig parameter lock an lfo targeting amp volumeā€¦
(What bothers me is the lfo toggle doesnā€™t seem to have an affect, if I set it to off on that trig it still activates, but thatā€™s for an AR threadā€¦ :slight_smile:)

Edit: I donā€™t think I tested the lfo trick with fill, just as a lock trig and that worked, Iā€™m out of testing time but Iā€™ll check later and updateā€¦

Edit 2: started new project and trigless locks in amp settings work, and with fillā€¦ More investigation of OG project necessaryā€¦

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Thatā€™s one thing about the Elektron gear, with so much flexibility so you can find workarounds :smiley:.

Best regards,


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