Trigless Locks - Why/How to use them

Confirmed lfo to amp vol works as a lock trig with fill condition for envelope workaround on AR.
I don’t know why it wouldn’t but always good to test… :slight_smile:

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Thanks for confirming this. I’ll report it as a bug as it does not work on DT.

You tried lfo workaround? If you read my first post again I confirmed changing amp hold or decay didn’t work on lock trig with or without fill condition, I just didn’t test the lfo workaround that I mentioned with the fill condition, that does work on AR… It required some careful lfo parameter settings or it had no audible effect…

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Haha well… I just tried your LFO work around in a new project and it worked! Thx!

So just for grins I tried the AMP env and it worked too! :thinking:

I tested both techniques in a new project, but in the original project neither work.

Basically I have 1 project where lock trigs will not use the fill condition and my other projects are fine.

I’ll compare the projects tomorrow to see what the difference is…

Best regards,


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Hmmmm… :thinking:
You can make it work (amp settings) without firing the sample again? Just shortening decay after a sample launched? Now I want it to work on AR… :grin: More testing maybe. :slight_smile:

OK - crow eating time… I was wrong, and lock trigs with fill work just fine on DT.
No bug, just user error on my part.

When I compared the patterns in the projects, there was a duplicate track playing the same sample!
(I felt so dumb when I saw that)

That said, I want to explore this technique more, as lock trigs with a fill condition is super cool IMO.
Setting the AMP envelope with a lock trig with fill condition worked great to cut off a long sample.

Best regards,



I skimmed the thread but “trigless” trigs are very stackable. Maybe I didnt get the point of the OP but you can lay one down and create a completely new sound using ANY of the controls that the DT has. AMP / ENV / EFFECTS / SAMPLE SLOT / PITCH / REVERSE / ETC…

Also the thing that I’m currently using it for is to create my own hardware implementation of GrossBeat. It occurred to me that you dont have to use ONLY the tools that come with a given piece of hardware if another piece (like the DT) can do CC changes in lock step - with rock solid timing I might add, then there it is!

Lay down some soft white noise and gate the hell out of it with different patterns and volumes and I’m going to try a pitch change via the LFO ramp / exp modules next to get that record stop effect. Wonder if I can do ratcheting with a trigless trig… :thinking:

Weird… :thinking:
I started a new project on AR and my trigless locks worked on amp settings, and with fill condition…
I guess that’s good news but I wonder why it doesn’t work on my main project? I didn’t have any similar track as you said you did.
I’m going to have to investigate further to see if I can make it work there.

You can still add a trigless lock one step ahead and microtime it right back. That’s the trick. The trickless trick.