Trigs 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 not working

I’ve a problem since a long time for now,

my OT is buggy and the second part of the trigs are not working, it’s not about material because trigs are working in chromatic mode but cannot be recorded in this mode

all other functions of those 9 to 16 trigs are not working

normally it’s working after spamming buttons and changing menu but not anymore
i’m pretty sad and cannot use the new OT upgrade

Please help me

Someone had a similar problem:

The advice is to contact Elektron support via

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thank you man :slight_smile:

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I edited the post, trigs are working in chromatic mode, even if 9 to 16 aren’t recorded on the sequencer :dizzy_face:

So in live record mode, chromatic doesn’t record to the sequencer? Very strange, but at least the trigs aren’t totally dead then. Again, contact support for advice. Maybe you’ve enabled a setting somewhere that has changed trig behaviour. There are so many settings to consider but support will know more.

Edit: Put the new OS 1.40 on it to see if it helps!

Also, what trig mode are you in when the trigs stop working. It’s not record trig or swing for example?

I already tried the new update, sadly it didn’t changed anything :japanese_goblin:
I want to try it so much by the way :tired_face:

Also, what trig mode are you in when the trigs stop working. It’s not record trig or swing for example?

They are not working when I turn my OT "on"
They are ONLY working chromatically but unrecordable :joy:

Damn I’m sad
I sent a message to the support yesterday :innocent:


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One other thing to try. Create a brand new set and project on your CF card and see if it helps. Maybe something got corrupted on your previous one. Otherwise, hang on for support :slight_smile: