Trigs don't play after being externally sequenced by low MIDI note range

I’ve just experienced some very weird behaviour, I’m wondering if it is intentional or if there’s some explanation. Basically, after having sequenced Rytm externally using the lower MIDI note range that gives you access to all voices from one channel, once I stop doing that and unmute the Rytm sequencer, trigs don’t play until I hit trig preview.

It took me a while to realise this was happening by comparing it to a different voice that was being played chromatically, but even having resolved it I’m a bit baffled what’s going on here - does anybody have any idea? It’s slightly more convenient to use the lower note range to access everything on one channel, but I’m experimenting a lot with going back and forth between eurorack sequencing and the Rytm sequencer and this makes it slightly more awkward.