Trippy Digitone jam (with a little help from my friends)

I was looking for a bass for the ending and wasn’t finding something I was happy with and then I remembered: I bought @Floppydisk_Pirates “Routine” soundpack for the Digitone and thought I should give it a try. Well, He. Never. Disappoints. The perfect bass for the ending was there waiting to be used. So thanks floppy for your hardwork!


Hey dude, this was an awesome jam, thx for sharing and for mention me here :+1: :smile:

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Looking forward to new soundpacks from you (A4 too?)!

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oh if you don’t wanna listen and read the whole thing, here is the basic kick recipe I gave:

  1. Use init patch

  2. Play note C octave -2, -3

  3. amp ADSR set to 0-5, 10-25,10-25,10-25

  4. LFO1 set to EXP, ONE, “pitch all”, depth 25-50

This is the base settings so of course, you can change the above values to your liking, add overdrive, noise and filter/resonnance, use LFO2 to modify slightly LFO1 depth or set to syn mix so that it moves from the “bended kick” to the noise section. Well, the sky is the limit really!

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