Trustworthy Stateside Machinedrum Repair

Hiya fellow Elektronauts!

My first post here, I’m Sean, nice to meet you all.

I apologize in advance if this has been covered in another post but after a few searches I’ve been unsuccessful in locating any pertinent information.

I’m afraid to say that after 14 years of faithful service my MK1 Machinedrum is in need of a screen replacement. As Elektron no longer service MK1 Machinedrums I’m at a bit of a loss as to where to get the repair done here in the states. Elektron have graciously sent me a replacement screen free of charge (and have been excellent in communication btw) so I thought I’d ask here if anyone can recommend a trustworthy tech that has experience with Elektron machines. I’m located in NYC and the horror stories I’ve read about local shops has me quite nervous.

Any info is greatly appreciated!!!

you might see if you can get hold of don hoffacker down in georgia. he used to do all of elektron’s stateside repairs before they opened their la office. they’re no longer affiliated but i expect he remembers how.

don’t have his number handy as i’m on vacation, but search the old forum, you might get lucky.

Thanks for the response Dubathonic, and from your vacation no less!