Trying to bounce Overbridge/Digitone track in Logic

I am beginner with Overbridge. I tried to search answer to my question but was able to find nothing so I thought to post this question here.

I have a simple Digitone track sequenced in Logic using the Overbridge plugin. (The same way as I sequence software instruments.) I can hear the audio through my Apollo interface just fine, and all works perfectly.

But if I try to bounce this track or bounce the entire project, the audio will be just silence. I wonder what am I missing / doing wrong. Isn’t this supposed to work this way?

I have latest version of Overbridge installed.

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I think you’d have to do a real-time recording.

I’m no Logic Pro Pro. But I think you just make an audio track and choose the same bus as the plug-in track as its input. Then you arm it and record the audio.

Since Overbridge is a “plug-in”, Logic is probably trying to bounce faster than real-time which doesn’t work with the hardware.


Thank you! That worked beautifully. Actually this offers fascinating possibilities for routing.

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Awesome! My various noodling with Logic paid off :joy:

That type of routing definitely helps in a lot of situations. Happy I was able to help :slight_smile:

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