Trying to make a M4L controller for Rytm

Did anyone manage to do that ? Damn, it’s complicated, partly to the “channel 1 only” Ableton paradigm, so if anyone has tips or patches to share, I’d be glad.
I’m starting slowly and already encountered some problems. The first one is that the order and the name of the params differ from one machine to the other. Is there a way to get the machine type ?
Are sysex messages documented somewhere ?

From what i understand there is a limitation in Ableton’s implementation of Max which causes noteIn to always have a value of 1 regardless of the midi channel.

I have midi working by sending midi from each pad to an individual track. (The note value is C1 I think and can’t be changed on the rytm) Each track transposes the pad’s C1 to a unique note that corresponds with drumrack’s default mapped pads. Then I send those tracks to a bus. This allows me to record midi in from the sequencer and also improv. For getting midi into the AR sequencer, I use unquantized recording mode.

None of this seems very ideal so for now my main workflow is moving samples to the AR and sending the audio to Ableton with Overbridge.

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sysex is documented here