Trying to recreate a sound from my Virus

I’m trying to recreate this synth sound on the DN that I made on my Virus C. I’m having a surprisingly hard time getting it to sound percussive and have the same tone. I know I probably can’t get something exactly the same, but I’d love something that’s similar enough.

Any ideas? Thanks!

Help us (and yourself) out by describing how the Virus patch is constructed.


That would really help, I’ve been going through a lot of pluck sounds last half hour but I can’t get close enough to this.
It sounds like there’s some kind of distortion on it, but the Digitone won’t let me drive it that hard.

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@PeterHanes and @DreamXcape I’ll get on that this afternoon when I get home.

@DreamXcape I spent a bunch of time trying stuff out, too. I came up with some things that were slightly similar but def. didn’t have the same amount of thunk to it.

Exactly that, I came across a lot of nice settings but I can’t seem to get that sort of acid 303-like filter sound right.

Exactly! I tried the age old quick pitch ramp LFO for some thunk and that didn’t really work. I’ll check the Virus settings when I get home and post them up.

@PeterHanes @DreamXcape

Virus C - A54 - TeLKait.syx (267 Bytes)

So if anyone has a Virus, here’s the patch. You’d need to turn down the reverb. Not sure why it was in there.

I downloaded the Mystery Islands Virus Patch Editor, too, and got screenshots of the settings.

These are my settings:

OscVol 0 - no saturation
Sub osc none
Osc1: Saw Wave

Osc2: Saw Wave. Detune 32

Osc Balance: +22 in favor of Osc2 (bipolar control)

Filter Routing and balance: Serial4. Balance equal

Cutoff 0
Resonance 0
Envelope 0

Highpass -20
Resonance 0
Envelope 0

ADSR: A 0 | D 127 | S 127 | R 4

Analog Boost: 40
No distortion, phaser, chorus.

LFO 1 - Filter 1 Cutoff +63, Saw Wave. Rate 3/16 (synced). Mono mode
LFO 2 - Filter 1 Cutoff +26. Sine wave. Rate 39 (not synced). Poly mode

I’m on the case… :male_detective:

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Awesome. There’s a prize in it for ya if you win. Haha. Now that I’ve broken the virus patch down, I’m gonna try my hand at it, as well :slight_smile:

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I give up for today… :sleepy:

But I can tell you I came closest by using layer and 2 tracks so you can actually have 2 saw waves and detune one.
1 LFO each routed to pitch, exp, one shot, mult 8, speed 63.99, depth 1.0, to get that attack sound sorta kinda right-ish. :thinking: :exploding_head: :confused:

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Oh damn. I’ll have to check that out. Unfortunately, for this purpose, I need all 4 individual tracks, but knowing it is definitely going to help. It makes sense that it’d need two tracks, though. I really appreciate you trying this out. I’m done studioing for the night, but I’ll be playing with those settings tomorrow. You rock!

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I don’t have my Digitone in front of me and haven’t really tried making a patch like this on it, but maybe you could use an algo that has A>C parallel to B>B, set the feed on B to zero and change it to a saw wave, then use A fed into C 1:1 to create a saw there, then use ratio offset on B to detune it? It won’t be perfect but it might be close. I also don’t really remember how DN’s detune works, maybe that would work too but I feel like offset might give you finer control? Idk I usually feel these things out. Also maybe look up the gain staging of the Digitone and see how you could drive the filter a bit hotter?

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This seems to sound like a plucked string instrument.

I would not use FM for this in the first place, but try to have one of the waveshapes of a operator as close as possible to a saw for the basic sound. Then I would work with envelope and filter like in the average subtractive synthesis. Using FM later can give it more expressiveness, but I would start with a patch as simple as possible and go from there …

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I figure I can’t get the exact sound, but I don’t want to cart my virus around. Haha

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