Trying to wrap my head around MIDI ccs for Digitone

Hi, new Digitone user and new to MIDI as well. I’m trying to figure out how to manipulate the Delay Time on my Digitone externally via Midi. I’ve rtfm but I’m still confused. Especially about the tables in Appendix B of the Digitone User Manual. What exactly do I need to do with those numbers (CC MSB 15, CC LSB 47, NRPN MSB 2, NRPN LSB 10)?

Welcome aboard. You’re unlikely to be working with NRPN messages which are constructed from using all 4 pieces of info you quote

However, the messages are a neat way to package two independent (CCs) in this case

The MSB CC is Most significant byte - this is coarse delay time
The L(least)SB CC will be fine

So you can get normal delay control time by adopting the MSB CC (15) and assign this to the controlling device on the FX MIDI Channel

Hi avantronica, thx for the quick reply.

In my case I’m not using a knob on a keyboard, but another sequencer (Polyend Tracker) and I want to use it to program subtle delay time alterations while the sequence is playing. However, this should (at least how I imagine it) not be so different.

So, for example, if I want to set the Delay time to XX I would send 15 XX, right?

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