FYI: I am using version 1.02C
I checked the headphone out, main outs, and individual outs with no success.
Everything else seems fine, it plays the patterns and each pad is lighting up as intended, but no sound. I checked that no tracks are muted and tested the master volume throughout its range.
I ran the test mode and it showed that there is 1 error: Audio [-] LR12345678
I tried to search for this but only found one post about the error and it is in another language that does not translate well to english.
"Jahapp…då fick man Error Flynn…
Fattar nada,stängde av igår,satte på idag o inget ljud ur skällan,gör en testmode…o mkt riktigt Errrrroor
Audio[-] LR12345678
JaG får kramp…Känns som min resa med denna Burk inte varit på topp
FĂĄr factoryreseta o testa"
"Hmmm…jag som e mongo
Torkade av bakom maskinerna igår o lossade octans ström o vice versa…o “råkade” sätta i fel sladd
Ahh well,problem solved ok efter en testmode till så visar maskinen inget fel…PUH
och jag fick ett mail till i min räkning [/i]
If anyone else has experienced this or if you can translate this to english, please let me know.