Turned on my Rytm today and no sound. LR12345678

FYI: I am using version 1.02C

I checked the headphone out, main outs, and individual outs with no success.

Everything else seems fine, it plays the patterns and each pad is lighting up as intended, but no sound. I checked that no tracks are muted and tested the master volume throughout its range.

I ran the test mode and it showed that there is 1 error: Audio [-] LR12345678

I tried to search for this but only found one post about the error and it is in another language that does not translate well to english.

"Jahapp…då fick man Error Flynn…
Fattar nada,stängde av igår,satte på idag o inget ljud ur skällan,gör en testmode…o mkt riktigt Errrrroor
Audio[-] LR12345678

JaG får kramp…Känns som min resa med denna Burk inte varit på topp
FĂĄr factoryreseta o testa"

"Hmmm…jag som e mongo
Torkade av bakom maskinerna igår o lossade octans ström o vice versa…o “råkade” sätta i fel sladd
Ahh well,problem solved ok efter en testmode till så visar maskinen inget fel…PUH

och jag fick ett mail till i min räkning [/i]

-from http://www.99musik.se/showthread.php?311117-Elektron-Analog-Rytm/page15

If anyone else has experienced this or if you can translate this to english, please let me know.

It seems his problem was the wrong power supply. Sounds like he accidentally plugged in his OT power supply by mistake. (or some other supply, I’m just guessing from context)

Okay, that’s what I thought he was saying.
I have only used the PSU-3 that came with my Rytm.

I have the same problem.
This problem has been solved?

This problem has not been solved. My machine switches on with no sound about 50% of the time. I only have the one elektron machine so power supply is not the issue. Generally I just leave it playing and at some random time in the next ten minutes the sound magically comes back. I’m wondering whether it is related to the known Toms bug as generally when the sound does come back one of the toms is playing a long sustained note that was not programmed into the actual pattern. Hope Elektron get this bug squashed (fingers crossed its not hardware related).

had the same problems with mine. replaced my analogrytm in the shop where I bought it with a new one. that works now…

I’m not sure if it’s the software because I tried every firmware with my old one and nothing seemed to work. really frustrating!

Same problem here.
I didn`t change the power supply - i am only using the original.

This is not a software issue.

The most common is as already covered above that the PSU-2 that is used for the Octatrack, Monomachine Mk2 and Machinedrum Mk2 are being mistakenly used since they share the same plug.

The second is a failing PSU-3.

The third and least common is a hardware issue.

If it’s not the first described issue then please contact support and we will help you.


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hi every body, i have the same problem this morning, how can i solve it? i never change the psu i used only the original

Use Elektron’s support service on their website.

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I can agree. If I use my Analog Rytm MKI with the Octatrack MKI Power Supply ( PSU-2 Rev. B 6V 3.0A ) then I exactly get this Test Error: Audio [-] LR12345678. If I use then instead the Analog Rytm MKI Power Supply ( PSU-3 12V 2.5A ) then the Sound / Audio works as expected. Seems the Voltage from the Octatrack PSU is to low. Maybe it’s also not a good Idea to change it the other way around. I understand if Users think that a Elektron PSU is a PSU for all Devices from Elektron but it seems we need to take Care here !


I havent used my Rytm in a few months and thought i would start it up and have a play over Christmas

I started it up and couldnt get any sound out of it so run test and got Audio error LR12345678 thinking it was the psu i tried my A4 power supply and it worked great i thought

So 4 days later thought i would try it again turned it on again same thing no audio tried both power supplies no audio same error, did a factory reset audio started to work again

Today turned it on no audio again same error did factory reset no audio so im at the stage of no audio and i dont know what else to do or try

Any one else had the same problem and if so how did u fix it?

Any help would be great


Just to say i left it plugged in turned on for 10 min then pow sound again

Just out of curiosity would the cold be causing the problem and does the Rytm need to warm up to a certain temp for it to work properly ??



To follow up to my original post. I contacted Elektron support and after some quick troubleshooting they determined the unit needed to be serviced or replaced. I sent it in for RMA through the dealer I bought it from and I ended up receiving new Rytm. This may not always be the case with this error code but I recommend contacting Elektron to start troubleshooting the error.

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