Tutorial - make a drone from a brass sample

Simple and quick.

Nice one, thanks!

I realize that I haven´t goofed with the comb filter enough, especially with any LFO´s involved. I liked how it evolved by itself…

nice tutorial! Especially helpful that it is short and to the point. thanks for sharing it


great technique!!

thanks for sharing that

I don’t play with LFO very often. But i will. I realized how powerful they can be when i was making this tutorial.


Thanks! Very mucht to the point! Nice, very nice.

Very cool!


@ Tintao
excellent demonstration
i really think this demo alone sells the samplers capabilities more than any other demo ive seen!

wonderful, thx for the vid

not that it affects the usefuleness of the video in any regards, but it didn’t strike me that any of the samples you played/used were ‘brass’ - sounded more like woodwind (&string) to me, before the all useful attack was obfuscated - good idea nonetheless :+1:

Thank you all for watching, and your feedbacks. Actually the sample used is a high note played by a real saxophone. I’m not english speaking native, i guessed saxophone was a brass, but i may be wrong. My apologies if so. Anyway, as i said, we can reproduce the process for any kind of sounds like this :slight_smile:

honestly, it changes nothing, although the woodwind timbre is possibly more suited to droning, but it is a woodwind :wink: even though it’s made of brass

Yes, you’re right. Thanks for the infos.
I bought my A4 and Octatrack after viewing a lot of demonstration video on the net, to be sure these were the machines i needed.
Now, it’s my turn to show how powerful these machine are. And i like it.

Thanks for sharing!

I’m not so much the drone type of person, but I took your vid as an inspiration to have some fun with the combfilter:

  1. load a chord loop
  2. insert a combfilter, feedback almost (but not) 100%
  3. link a design lfo to the combfilter’s frequency and create some rhythmical pattern. adjust step magnitudes until the frequencies fit
  4. add a lock-enabled delay and hook the send param to a scene. for more madness, lfo on the delay time (here, too, use design lfos with discrete steps - makes for nice delay length jumps)

for variations: alter the lfos’ speeds, change sample playback rate and/or tune, etc.

Excellent. You should upload a sound to show a result !
Comb filter is a great effect for me. Applied with a bass or a bass drum, you can make also powerful beats.

completely agree…
Now i add my own.
Using infinite retriggering and time to taste you can
[by smoothing/filtering out the sounding repetitions and modulating the sound also with pitch or rate (on pitch stretch)]
have some timbral changes that you can add to the Comb.
Tinato…Brass is the correct word for a saxophone! :wink:

read on, then correct the page :wink:
