Twisted Electrons Blastbeats

Any recommendation on which firmware to revert back to while some of the newer bugs get sorted?

I really do love that sound.

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2.0 worked pretty nicely for me!

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I ended up trying 2.3 first as someone above had also mentioned reverting to that and it’s been a very stable build for me so far. Finally got to cook something up!!


2.7 is up

“- Fixes -
Fixed bug that limited the Undo/Redo performance”

I don’t know if it’s just for me, but the ability to copy/paste steps (including their locks), and to increment their pitch individually was really a welcome change in the latest versions of the firmware. It makes it much easier to build and edit melodies.

And I haven’t experienced any strange behavior when saving for a while.


another pure blastbeats tune from me, the end was fcin unpredictable saved fader automation :crazy_face:


Good tune, mate!
I actually really dig the end.
When I sometimes end up recording automation this way, it often gets out of hand :smiley:
(it take some practice to know what faders to move and how much)

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Re automation, you know what, guys? Yet another FW is on the way…
(This guy must work while sleeping or something)
In the current state, you can only erase all the automation from all the tracks at the same time (Clear + Rec).
With the new FW, we should be able to choose the track(s) where we want to erase the automation, preserving the automation/P-locks of the other tracks.
Big improvement again, I think.
(I haven’t tried it yet)


Wow ! Very good track :slight_smile: I had Blastbeats for one month, I really loved the sound but the UI was too strange for me. But when I hear that, I just want to buy it again, and maybe sequenced it with a Digitone or the Torso T1.


Is there a way I could have accidentally wiped all my saved patterns on this thing?

Just turned it on this evening after making and saving a couple of kits and patterns last night and today it booted up to nothing, hit run and no sound came out.

I had to load into a ‘bank’ of which I assume is preset patterns to get any sound out of it. My kits seem to be okay, but all my original patterns are gone by the looks of it. It’s really odd.

Still feel like this machine has major issues with save ‘states’ and things actually saving correctly. But I can never work out what causes it to happen.

I used to have problems with saving, but never over whole patterns!
(Just my last changes were not saved)

What FW are you on?

Maybe you accidentally changed song bank or something? The bank structure on this is pretty convoluted. It took me a while to figure out, personally. Reading this part of the manual - like ten times - helped me.

Lol yes totally agree about the banks! I was trying to figure out if I had accidentally switched last night but I couldn’t find my original patterns anywhere unfortunately.

Maybe I’ve accidentally saved over them somehow, as I think I’ve maybe misunderstood how the saving of patterns works? Saving kits is super simple but saving your patterns feels more complex.

I was studying the manual last night while working it out and yeh, I feel like I need a video guide on how saving/loading works haha. No matter how many times I read the PDF I’m just not getting it.

I’m on 2.7 firmware and I’ve had minimal issues lately to be honest, right up until yesterday when I turned it on and it was all just blank :disappointed:

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Wow, this is scary.

You should send a msg to Alex describing your issue.

I know for sure there’s yet another FW on the way.

For example if you want to save your current playing patterns and kits at bank 3 and song 7, press function, press save, press key 3 (kit/folder row), press key 7 (pattern/song row), waiting for flashing lights at the latest the sequencer stopped, or it isn’t already running.

its more like a song save mode (kits and patterns together), not really an explicit pattern save mode i guess :slight_smile:

i also still not understand all, especially the relations between kit/pattern parameters and variations.

I agree, it takes some time to be comfortable with all this!

In this respect, a new checkbox was recently added on the online tool:


I haven’t tried this “SAVE SONG ALSO SAVES KITS” option myself, though.

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oh, thats dope !

Thanks @zuli for the example and you’re totally right that it’s a song save mode more than a specific pattern save mode. This is ultimately what has caused the confusion for me I think, coming predominately from Elektron gear.

I’m definitely more of a visual learner, feel like the manual could do with a diagram breakdown of the folder structure and saving mechanic within that plus kit variations etc. I know it’s not that complicated but I read the text and my mind just can’t get it right!

It would be really cool if simply hitting the kit/patt button when in save mode would simply save the kit and the current pattern you are working on.

@Omar I didn’t know about that tool, looks cool I think I’ll check that out!

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Yep, the manual… It’s not that it’s outright unclear, but it takes some reading to get the meaning (at least for my poor slow brain)


yea an architecture flow chart like in elektron manuals would be super nice ! no problem, did the same mistakes. overwritten many songs all on song slot 1 lol