Twisted Electrons Blastbeats

I’m using a FW that hasn’t been published yet by Alex (Mr Twisted Electrons) and I can tell you he’s currently working hard on solving the issues, and adding new features. I recommend you to report what you experience - possibly with videos - to, bearing in mind that it’s a one man operation, as far as I can tell. And that this one man works on several projects in parallel :slight_smile:


Appreciate the replies, and I will try and do that if I can replicate something and verify it’s not me being dumb!
You can really coax some great sounds out of this machine, I have found that much already, so I will persevere with it for sure.

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Blimey another firmware update, certainly not a criticism, great to see the machine getting tweaked with each update.

All you need now is a Alesis Quadraverb and your back in early 90’s Warp records territory, blastbeats great machine.

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There’s a new one? 2.6?

Not yet

I’m having similar issues with my new unit running on 2.5. No matter how much I save this pattern, every time I power on my probability on my snare changes. I’ve tried clearing all automations several times and it just keeps happening. Also, copying and pasting patterns is randomly changing parameters on my snare as well. I’m hoping it’s user error but I’m beginning to feel like I’m going crazy with how many times I’ve read the manual.

Sorry to hear you are seemingly having issues too!

I have been playing with mine more or less every day since I got it (an hour or so each day sometimes more), and since my post I have had one further moment where all of a sudden the kick wasn’t sounding on a pattern I was working on.

It wasn’t muted, the routing was fine and I was not working on this sound at the time which is why I immediately found it odd. In the end I had to clear all automation for the pattern to get my kick to sound again. I thought once again that maybe I did something by mistake but then the Kick on this machine is totally independent from the other sounds and I had not automated anything on those faders :thinking:.

But other than this it seems to be behaving now, I have not had any more of the random changes upon powering on since my last post on that and I have a few patterns and kits saved now. If something does occur I will try to video and maybe send it to Twisted Electrons if I feel it will help them.

On a separate note, the sound of this thing is fantastic, running it through some multi effects in Ableton and having a lot of fun. Looks like it is still being updated so hopefully newer firmware can make it more stable.


I played a small gig with it tonight and was amazed at how good it sounded - without any processing - on big PA’s.

Due to its digital character, I had been somewhat afraid that it should sound thin-ish as compared to other gear. But not at all!

It may be mainly suited for digital shh and crrr, but the sine wave can send out a fair amount of deep bass.


I’ve noticed 2.5 has been removed from TE website

In that recent Surgeon interview he was talking about how things can sound very different in a live setting with a massive sound system, and how the Pulsar 23 was great for that. I don’t have a Blast beats but just listening to demos I can totally imagine how it could sound epic when seriously amplified.

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2.6 is live :slight_smile:

  • New Features -

Automation engine now transmits MIDI CC when on unmuted tracks

  • Fixes -

Synth step would toggle when attempting to transpose note below zero

Better handling of page length shortening (skips to previous page if beyond new length)

Yes, I had (good) surprises!

I’m mainly a bedroom producer, but I’m playing a gig soon here in Vienna. I will definitely make sure to book a couple of sessions at a rehearsing place nearby before, to test everything on a front stage sound system! (And probably tweak my tracks a bit)

(Oh and I’m a big fan of Surgeon interviews. Until recently I hadn’t been really impressed by his tracks, though. But the last album, “Crash Recoil”, has made me change my mind!)


I hope this fixes some of the other random little buggy feeling things lol

Yeah, me too!
I think this does
(but haven’t tried yet)

Really digging this. I don’t have a BB, but this is the kind of crunchy electro/IDM stuff that I feel suits its sonic palette well and gives me a wee bit of GAS. Must resist :grimacing:


It will probably help you fight GAS to know that it’s currently out of stock :sweat_smile:

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I updated to 2.6. Still feels buggy!

The reload function + rec after making all changes doesn’t revert back. It did on 2.0.

Love this machine, don’t particularly like how chaotic and random it can feel at times, but it sounds fantastic and is super fun!

Yep, there are still issues :-/

I did for my Patreon subscribers after I did the demo videos for it. Send me a message if you want just this one :wink:

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(I reported the loss of the reload function)