Twisted Electrons Blastbeats

I very much like the sound of this more than the Erica synths drum synth


Now online at gearnews / Twitch:
Alex from Twisted Electrons will answer questions and tell a bit about the background

Here’s the channel: Twitch

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The price has now dropped, I’ve just received £90 refund from my pre-order.
Apparently things a running smoothly for February shipping.

damn! that makes my gas come out. seems like a really hands on interface. and the sound!
been gasing for a digital synth, as i have no experience with one and ofc i could never afford a monomachine, so i was looking at the digitone, as it has the sequencer that bangs, but the sound just seems too modern and clean for digital, also the menus and all… i mean i got an AR mki wich i love, so it wont be so alien, but still… this just seems so immediate!
does this drum synth overlap some with the DN?

The digitone is indeed far cleaner than the megafm but I find I use the digitone for smooth bass/chords and the megafm for everything else as it does not do low end all that well. I think the pair make the perfect digital synth to be honest, the rough and beautiful sounds of the megafm meets the precision and smoothness of the digitone sequencer.

I just wish I wasn’t gassed on this!!!

actually was thinking about this blastbeats thang. as it more percussive but probably also does chords and stuff as it suggests. i like the percussive aspect. as what i’m interested in is electro
layering rytm analog and dirty digital fm, seems like a dream.
its just that man i can hardly afford buying new synths with the 850euro salary i get in construction. generally i spend money once per year or two on music stuff… and this years i already spent more than any other. getting a rytm mk1 and a sp404mkii. i’m already thinking of maybe selling the 404 as i can probably make some money even, as roland is super slow with orders and people are so excited about it. i could wait maybe and rebuy it later
people gonna probably jump on me now, that what i’m thinking to do is unethical or something. but if someone is willing to pay instead of waiting, well thats GAS… no?

Seems like processing the Mega through the Digi would be nice too.

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I never owned or tried any Twisted Electrons gear, but I like their take on things even if it is often not something I need or would buy.

I look forward to hearing more from this machine.


I’ve had the TherapSID MkII, and loved it. I ended up selling it because I was starting to design my own SID module, but then that got put on hold for a while. (so I wish I hadn’t) There was one issue that I had with it, that Alex said he’d take a look into (can’t remember what it was). I think it was a minor LFO item that I thought could work in a better way or something like that. Otherwise, I thought it was great. I imagine the newer ones have improved on things. (within the limits of the ICs in use of course) I do love the physical format of his devices. They’re great!

Edit: Oh, I remembered somewhat of what I had asked him about. It was something to do with modulation of PWM if I remember correctly. I’m sure he’s already made the change by now, as it was probably about two years ago.

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Yeah ThrerapSid and MegaFM look and sound awesome, if I had the space and budget, those would be great to have.

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I think the TherapKid would be great actually. I love the SID, and while I’m pretty discerning about certain aspects of it, I’m not a 6581 purist. I actually have always preferred the sound of the 8580 since getting my C64C to replace my original 1983 Breadbox. I think the cleaner sound of using a SID-like voice in the TherapKid, would actually be preferable, as it eliminates some of the noisy aspects of modulating SID parameters on the real IC. Also a bit cheaper.

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Yeah I prefer 8580 too, I have a sidfx dual sid board in my C64C with 2 8580 but it can also take 6581 but I don’t have any and they are getting hard to find at sensible prices now.

I have not checked out Therapkid yet (on purpose :laughing: )


I sold about 10 SID chips (several revisions of 6581 and a few 8580 about a year ago). I’d send you one if I still had them. I decided I’d be using ARMSID or the like next time I did something SID-ish. Also though, a friend (well relative) also wants to design our own actual SID. Same digital portions more or less, but with our own updated filter portion, where different filter modules could be plugged in in addition to the state variable of the original. (so you could have a ladder, or cascaded four pole for example with the same basic architecture) Pretty easy project for him, but scheduling any sort of time in the same place at the same time with him is hard to accomplish.


Has anybody found a comprehensive manual for this?

i read somewhere that the megafm had a really low output.
is there the same quirk with the blastbeats?
how does it handle more traditional fm patches?
how about the sweet spots? does it need a lot of tweaking to get a sound?
ofc there’s all that beatifull dirt thats adding texture

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I guess we can’t really answer this till they ship

The manual.

That comes from their web-site. If the information there is up to date they should be able to ship their first units in a few weeks.

Anyone here get word on their pre-order ?



This thing looks more and more interesting!

Pity there’s not more demo videos to be found on the web


This thing is really starting to occupy space in my brain. Strongly considering preordering though I’m still tempted by the megafm too.
I skimmed the manual last night in search of any deal breakers (for me) and didn’t notice anything though I wasn’t thrilled to see that it’s a “stop to save” machine. Not the end of the world but getting away from that save behavior is something I really appreciate in most newer gear. All in all it looks simple and fast.
Weird that it’s memory is all on an sd card. Anyone know why they would have chosen that? Since you’re only saving midi information I’d imagine it wouldn’t be much data. It says a card can store/ recall 160 songs (16 patterns and 10 kits per song). It’s not a point against it, I’m just curious.