Twisted Electrons MEGAfm

Definitely understand hesitance for any purchase, but the build quality of mine was fine, I don’t know what you consider “numerous” but on Gearslutz, here, Muffwiggler I didn’t see a ton of complaints considering we’re some of the larger demographic for it.

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I think that is a bit harsh. It’s not going to be bomb proof sure. But it I’s also cheap for what it is considering the person had to make a living. We aren’t looking at a premium build instrument here. I don’t think it’s going to be a paperweight either. If that’s a massive concern , sample it for gigs. It’s what I’m doing with a lot of my older, more fragile equipment.

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i heard plenty of reports similar to you, praising the quality of the product as well. i’m definitely not trying to drag the company by any means, really hope they keep doing more interesting stuff…i also hope they put some more energy into QC tho. but it did seem that plenty who received theirs were very happy. i didn’t see a ‘ton’ of complaints, but i did see enough that, given how small of a quantity we’re talking about, the percentage of a chance of getting a defective unit was just too high for me. again, i’m partly factoring in their years of history of similar (and honestly probably much worse) reports on previous products as well.

i don’t.

agreed, i was 100% okay with the price, if i hadn’t heard multiple worrying reports about the hardware (and the firmware for that matter). if instead it had been $100 more and there was stellar build quality and very quick customer service fixing issues, i’d have one sitting on my studio desk right now. i don’t mind paying for something. i do mind paying for something that’s faulty or unreliable in the short or long term.

$600 price tag isn’t premium but it sure isn’t impulse buy territory either, at least not for me.

cool, good that doing this works for you. it’s not an option i’m interested in.

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Yeah, understood! I’m not trying to discount anyone’s experience so much as chime in as someone who hasn’t had any issues with build quality or current firmware concerns. Don’t usually find the need to post “works great and sounds great too” for all of my kit :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hi all,

I’ve just published a demo video of the fantastic (and imo well built) MEGAfm showing several patches from the “Magnitude” sound pack. Like always, I’m focussing more on (Dub / Melodic) Techno, Ambient and IDM.

If you even consider to purchase this pack…


I wasn’t aware of this synth until yesterday. Or to be exact I completely ignored this synth until yesterday. And now i’m really keen to get one.

Any recent reports of dodgy units, or have the issues been rectified?

I see they’re in stock at a few places. And directly from TE.

Still half thinking of it to replace Volca FM. Swings and roundabouts!

Purchased your pack last night - some beautiful sounds; pad #24 is delicious and the bells are so cool! Despite having a ton of analog and digital synths, the MegaFM has made its way to the top of my favourite list. It sounds so crunchy and whimsical.

Btw, I tried to update the MegaFM firmware last night using C6 (which worked fine for uploading the presets) but the process seemingly bricked my unit :grimacing: - had to downlod and use sysex librarian and fortunately the update worked fine.

Totally different instruments, really.
You can’t compare those :wink:


There’s a good amount of variety in the FM synth market now that’s for sure.
I think I’m destined to try them all before (maybe) finding the one to keep!

Thanks for your support and I also appreciate your warning. Haven’t done the FW update yet, but will certainly use sysex librarian instead of C6.
And yes, MEGAfm is very particular. I needed some time though but now it also has become one of my favourites

I like the form factor of this, and have seen one at an ok price second hand. Also seen an OpSix. I like the form factor of the MEGAfm, BUT I wonder if any of you have any feedback about your MEGAfm now? Quaility OK?

EDIT: or a KodomoFM. Really, what a time for FM synths!


neither have patch names, which make them worse in some ways than synths Yamaha were producing 30 years ago.
The Kasser is way harder to program than a DX100 by a factor of about 100, it’s smaller though .
Doesn’t run on batteries like a DX100,
No patch names, no sysex dumps, its easier to backup using a dx100 ffs
Totally cryptic presets system ffs.
The only advantage which is a BIG one, it responds to cc’s…which is only reason I’m taking notice.
Yes, I’m entitled…no just upset by the potential of something like this and then let down, yes it’s better than my effort as I haven’t made a synth so I’ll give them that.

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preenfm3 <- you want that :slight_smile:


I do


This honestly looks really interesting… have you tried the lider iterations of This?

I have a make from van daal. I really like the preenfm3. The multiple outs are nice. The efx/filter options are pretty extensive. The mixer secition is pretty great as well.

Just got my (2nd hand) MegaFM. Sounds great, controls…weird. So you’re on a preset…the sliders…what is the behaviour? When the machine is off I can set all the sliders to bottom, then power it on, and go to a preset…what does moving a slider UP do? nothing until it catches the param value? Or start to add to the param value at once?

It’s catching.
So if you want to resume where you stopped I suggest to save.