Two FILL buttons!

I’ve had the AR2 for about a week, and have been slowly working my way through the features, making kits and patterns, etc. The manual refers to an FX button but for the life of me I couldn’t figure out where the hell it was. I stared at the panel for ages, knowing that it had to be there, feeling like I was losing my mind. Finally I figured out the problem:

I’m not gonna send it back over such a silly anomaly, and honestly it’s kind of quirky/cool, but how difficult is it to replace with the correct keycap myself? Do you think Elektron would send me one?


Easy to replace, and yes they will send you one if you ask, raise a ticket.

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Thanks, I’ll do it!

fill the void with reverb and delay!


LOL always, that’s excellent general life advice tbh


Haha awesome. Elektron will just post you a new one, they’re super easy to replace. I got an off-centre settings button replaced that way.