Two questions regarding MDUW+

hey guys, fairly new to the forums and the MD, but have the basic gist of things now. was wondering if you could help me out with 2 questions I had regarding the md though:

1.) The RAM machines - I understand that you need two RAM machines,one rec and one play to sample incoming audio on the fly, but when I add an additional set of RAM rec and RAM play, it deletes the audio of the first set of RAM machines and replaces it with the newly recorded audio. not sure if im explaining this as well as i could but basically is it possible to sample two different songs in a kit with multiple ram machines? maybe i overlooked something about the way these are used and will have to save the ram audio as a rom track.

2.) CTRL All machines: do they work the same as individual machines when it comes to on the fly tweaking? I’ve noticed when i do real time parameter locking (rec+play) and start tweaking nobs, it doesn’t apply itself to the track as it does with a single machine (like tweaking the pitch of the bass drum for example)

if anyone can share some wisdom on these two things, that would be awesome… and i just wanna say you guys have already helped me out a tremendous amount with tips and helpful feedback throughout the site which i really appreciate. kudos to you all.

cheers :joy:

You have to copy the sample from RAM to ROM like you said, so you don’t loose it.

From the manual:
[li]If you want to permanentely store the content of a RAM machine, you can copy it and paste it to a ROM machine.

  1. While in the SAMPLE MANAGER menu, move the focus to the RAM machine whose content you wish to copy and then press [FUNCTION] + [REC].
  2. Choose the ROM slot you want to copy the RAM machine to and then press [FUNC- TION] + [STOP]. Since you can’t undo this operation you will be asked whether you want to perform the action or not. Press [ENTER/YES] if you want to proceed with the copy operation.[/li]

If you have placed trigs on the ctrl all track you should be able to p-lock away, make sure you are in “Extended” mode also.

Save your kit after you add the ctrl all machine, go crazy with trigs and p-locks, muting and un-muting the ctrl track to catch the locks is fun, then Function >Classic to revert to saved, great craic :joy:

yep copying the RAM content to ROM is one way, but with the RAM machines you have 4 independent audio buffers that can be used dynamically… the number 1-4 at the end of each RAM machine says which buffer is accessed by it…

so you could e.g. use a RAM-R1 machine to record into buffer 1, then use multiple RAM-P1 machines across several tracks to play that same buffer with different machine parameters, such shenanigans.

you can then still use e.g. RAM-R2 to record into buffer 2 independently, and whenever you use a P2 machine it will play that buffer etc. etc., it’s good stuff :joy:

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Smashing! Ive yet to mess with multiple RAM machines like this.
When i don’t save RAM to ROM its only a matter of time before my pattern gets screwed up. Mainly because i add a trig or un-mute the record track, ahhh!

@Deep Cycle

thanks a ton man, im excited to try that revert trick out, had no idea about that

awesome, I didn’t even think to use the buffer that way. that’s amazing.

all right, if you don’t mind, bare with me here just so I make sure I have this right: if I record sample (let’s call it X) with RAM R1 and play it back with RAM P1, while that is still playing I can add a totally different sample (sample Y) with RAM R2 and RAM P2 and hear both samples X and Y play throughout the kit? The previous times I tried this it would cancel out sample X when recording sample Y but maybe my settings aren’t correct or it was user error.

apologizes for making this into some sort of SAT question too haha

That’s correct. Just keep track of which r/p machine you are using.