
has anyone linked up this synth module to Elektron gear to adjust MIDI CC parameters via the encoders?

cheers :slight_smile:

Theres no ccs, only sysex


Sorry theres pitch bend and mod wheel but not assignable

thanks Groof, shame that


I’m almost positive there are a couple more. Check the manual. In addition to pitchbend and modwheel there is aftertouch, breath control, and maybe portamento or panning depending on whether you are in single or multi mode. With some creative programming of the patches you can get some mileage out of it.

Edit: I came up with those off the top of my head, so don’t shoot me if I wasn’t exactly correct. :slight_smile:


its a proper fuzzy machine, bye bye cold plugins innit :pray:

Breath control is correct. That and mod wheel for sure. Which are CC2 and CC1 respectively. It’s pretty easy to set up breath control to control modulator level which gives you a pseudo-filter control.


I own a dx11, which is identical except for the pitch envelope and a few other minor things. I finally double checked the manual:
Pitch bend
CC1 Mod wheel
CC2 Breath control
CC4 Foot control
CC5 Portamento time in single mode
CC7 Volume
CC10 Pan in perf mode
CC64 Sustain
CC65 Portamento

The pan is kind of quirky since it only goes between L, L+R, R. It could be useful in some contexts. FC, BC, Aftertouch, and Mod wheel can only control a few things. I have lately been creating patches where my foot switch is controlling portamento instead of sustain. I’m not sure quite how that parameter interacts with CC64 and 65 yet.


Hi. Here’s the trick:

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Pardon the thread revival, but I’d like to see what people are using now to control or edit their tx81z. It looks like there are more good options for ipad or mac, maybe not as much for PC. Does anyone use an editor on PC that sends sysex? I’d like to get a setup similar to this:


I wrote this Lemur template that was pretty great for the TX81Z. Sadly Lemur gets little love at this point and the patch library is currently offline. I’d still recommend lemur or patchbase for controlling your tx81z if you have an iPad.


There were a couple good ones done with Max/Max4Live if you use that platform.

Also this for the Ctrlr platform


thanks, I may upgrade my Live to Suite so that I can use the m4l stuff. With the m4l editors, I assume it is possible to assign my midi controller’s encoders to different parameters as you would in ableton’s native synths and VSTs? I think the idea of using the megaFM as a controller for the tx81z was a good one.

I was also looking at this, I like this layout the most of the editors I’ve seen so far.

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I have an iPad 1st gen… is Lemur a viable option to control my TX81z?

Should run, I ran it on my iPad 2nd gen for a long time. That being said, I know my iPad 2 got pretty slow with the last apple os (never should have upgraded…) so I’d recommend something just a bit more modern for less choppiness. An iPad 4 or iPad Air 1 would be a much better experience.

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