UB-Xa from Behringer

Yeah, I didn’t like the sound so much either.

But I need more demos to have a better opinion about it.


Sounds horrible. What a way to sell a synth huh?
Maybe its capable of sounding nice but none of those demo sounds did that.


This demo feels rushed to meet up with the superbooth hype. I’d rather have it delayed with the keyboardist knowing the ins and outs. Normally he get ls a little more time with the kit he reviews

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There were a few moments in the Modes part at the end where they sound very similar. OBX8 mode etc. i think they will be very close. The Poly D and Model D were extremely close when tested to the Moogs.

Jack waffled on for the majority but yeh towards the end is where the magic starts.


Eurhh fuck off Behringer


Your going to be saying that a lot over the next year or so. Embrace it😂


I actually can’t hear it anymore. I’m no fanboy, but also not against them. Its economics. Nobody complains when they buy the cheap and good frying pan from IKEA.
Deal with it imho. It’s how it is and how it is going to be from now on

It’s not just economics though, it’s pretty much corporate theft. Stealing someone else’s IP and R&D investment, making it in China, selling only on price… they’re what’s wrong with the world today. Morally bankrupt dickheads. :v:


Thank you!

Also this particular instrument comes with an extra heap of bad taste in the mouth - due to the ‘positive PR’ they garnished from the diplomatic ‘thanks’ they got from Tom for returning his name to him (how gracious!). All the while forgetting that:

“In 2019, Music Tribe succeeded in removing trademark protection for the Oberheim name for music hardware in the European Union.”

But subsequently:

“Earlier this year (2021), Music Tribe’s application to trademark the “Behringer Oberheim” name was rejected. According to USPTO documents, the request was rejected as it may have “falsely suggest a connection with Tom Oberheim”.”

They didn’t want to give it back, and would have gladly traded on his name if the USPTO let them. Instead they found themselves with worthless IP and so traded it for good PR instead, and manage to paint themselves as heroes.



It’s bizarre, it sounded awful (to me). Not sure if it’s the synth, the patches or something about how they recorded it. Compared to the videos of the OB-X8 it’s chalk and cheese. Tom will be happy.

Edit: I’ve just read some of the many comments on the video and they’re brutal! Wouldn’t surprise me if they take it down.


I find it funny how little they care. Like how blatant it is. Let’s be honest, the majority of their synths look like shit. And some of them don’t simply because they directly lift the look of the synth they copy.

Also the whole ‘robin hood’ angle that people have with them. Like they’re here to save poor musicians from the tyranny of synth corporations that have left musicians expressively caged or penniless for decades. Get the fuck outta here with that shit. I’m not hearing any better music, the quality and/or expectations of the instruments and equipment isn’t improving and they definitely aren’t helping to foster a better community of musicians with all this divisive shit.

Besides they’ve shown that they aren’t above copying shit that was already made to provide cheap solutions for musicians, like that blatant key step clone they have.

Ultimately I think what we will see is that by pricing themselves within a certain area of the market they will make it difficult for smaller companies to compete price/feature wise and force the high end companies into even higher price brackets. All while they pump and dump lacklustre shite out for below par musicians who feel it’s their right to have a rack full of keyboards they can’t play.

Keeping things on topic: this sounds and looks kind of shit. Something I’ve come to expect from behringer. They can and should do better. Even at their price point.


“…it’s the most powerful, best sounding synth I’ve ever had the chance to play in this room.”
Jack proceeds to pause, gulp and look visibly uncomfortable as all his credibility packs up and wanders off.

That was not a good demo to put it lightly: this thing sounds very poor. Making it even more obvious he has been told to say that.


Yeah, the entire thing seems rushed. Feels like the production couldn’t wait until after Superbooth or they really didn’t want to put actual love in it. Compare it to the Hydrasynth Deluxe video and it’s miles apart

Definitely, most likely (as others pointed out) to try and steal thunder from the new proper Oberheim synth.

Behringer being classy yet again.

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i HATE this ugly clones, each and every one of them :joy: there you go, i got that of my chest.

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Thunder is exactly what they didn’t steal. 95% of that video sounded incredibly thin and weak. Must be a combination of things (rushed production of the prototype/presets, rushed video, Youtube doing something to the lowend…) but yeah, the only thing that it had going for it was the colour scheme.


Pff, poor Jack. I mean, maybe it did sound great in the room? But comparing this recording to all the OB-X8 examples out there it’s not even close.

Oh, totally.
That was definitely their aim though, they just failed spectacularly. :joy:

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its not youtube, every other sinth that sounds good in person, sounds good on youtbe too, minimoog sounds like minimoog on youtube etc.


Absolutely, you don’t need a good recording, or good playing, or a quality format, or even good speakers, for anyone with a modicum of confirmation bias to tell this will sound horrible. /s

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