UB-Xa from Behringer

I wasn’t gonna buy a UB-Xa cos I can get an OB-6 module for about the same price and I don’t need the keyboard anyway. But I was genuinely surprised by the lack of oomph in that video. IIRC the previous prototype videos sounded quite alright, and when I had the Model D, I thought it was an awesome synth for the money. So when it comes to the sound, I expected B to nail it with the UB-Xa as well. Despite this video I still do.


On the contrary, I think this obsession with IPs and patents and copyrights is what’s wrong with today’s world. When corporate compliance and stupid laws take over human decency… Like look at what happened with vaccines. That’s what’s immoral.

Your mindset is framed within this reality. I don’t like their PR stunts, but what they’re doing is perfectly normal. There are tons of clones among music instruments.

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similarly, you don’t need 4K video to see something looks ugly or nice. 240p will do.

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But if you record with bad lighting, it’s hard to say something about the camera, the lens or the object.

There is a lot of bad lightning on youtube , ill give you that :laughing:

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Ive seen Jack Duxbury from Andertons make a Moog One sound like a piece of shit. He doesnt do Synths any favours.


Well, summing up: it is a bad demo, but we can’t know for sure it’s a bad synth.

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I can only go on the Poly D i have. Its nailed on the Moog. They arent pulling any punches.

Think Jack picked the worst presets he could find on purpose.

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I wad thinking that. Its like he tried his best to make it sound crap even his noodling was off. Conspiracy. Andertons have a lot of OBX8 Oberheims on the way. What a great way to slay any hopers of a cheaper machine. I bet Behringer will never do this again.

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Ikea had no good frying pan… I’m a chef and the only going pan worth owning that is cheap are the black steel pans, whatever they are called… but I would rather spend a good $50 on a pan and get all clad. I mostly use French copper, that is a good pan… My 8" tiny frying pan cost $150… It is a good pan, food actually tastes good when you cook it.

You know, the thing is, I get both sides. One side hating the way B is taking others products. The other side happy he is.

I just think it is what it is. There is so much complaining in every thread. Things aren’t going to change anymore and I just would like to read “normal” threads again that don’t derail the same every time. It’s like a broken record.


The Clone War thread is still and will remain a great place for thoughtful discussion of those issues. I agree with loopdude.

According to Behringer the UB-Xa went out for beta-test middle part of last year. That it is now going around to partner stores, probably means it is out of beta, and ready for production. A few days ago Behringer wrote on their Facebook page that they may get a “small” batch of chips, processor chips i think were the short stock part. Who knows what their priority is on manufacture.

Hopefully Sweetwater, another Behringer partner, gets a chance with this unit. Daniel Fisher has some real chops, and is a fast worker, plus he knows how to find the sweet spots. He also can do some unusual innovative stuff sometimes. He also will break it down, like just to show off the filters and such basic stuff too.

I also know if there are any problems he’s got enough integrity, to let Behringer know.

Behringer on Facebook acknowledges the sound on the Andertons video was not good.

Specifically they said this:

It sounds like they left the camera microphone on during the sound recording which caused interference and phase cancellations with the direct sound from the synth. We’ll check with Andertons now.

They suggested listening to this early beta-test video instead.


Thought so. Not the first time Andertons have done this.

Todd Smith in a yt out very recently said ( referring to Andertons ) :

the user really didn’t know what they were doing, and it was recorded pretty bad.

He also talked about how the UB-Xa going out to others like this is a really good sign towards it being on the market sooner than latter.

I like Jack(the reviewer). He’s a nice kid. But as i said his strength lies in other keyboards(the more Organ/Piano type ones). He has never been much of a synthesist.

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Did anyone else (who doesn’t just flat out hate Behringer) feel like it sounded pretty weak and lackluster? Compared to the original and obviously Oberhiem’s new synth regardless of price, availability or brand it just sounded bad imo

Yes, it did. Every patch sounded like muffled brass. But I doubt it’s how it sounds. Mixing highly harmonic sound like this is very delicate. I’d doubt they had a mixing engineer in that video. :joy:

On the other hand, I don’t understand why people are so obsessed with OB-X in general. I always found it a bit bland to be frank. It’s not very versatile and sounds a bit samey. One trick pony, really. Maybe I am wrong, but from all the classic synths this one didn’t feel very interesting to me. So I kind of feel indifferent towards this remake. In fact, I would like to see more of these digital classics that they’re planning to clone.

Theres a discussion on Reddit regarding that video and it looks like someone has corrected some phase issues with the original. I can’t listen as I’ve not got the app but here’s a link out of interest. https://www.reddit.com/r/synthesizers/comments/uq6o8a/i_fixed_the_stereo_issue_with_the_andertons_ubxa/