UB-Xa from Behringer

Still sounds like variations upon a theme of an init patch

To me it sounded like all patches were without OSC detune. Not good for a pad sound … other videos were sounding way fuller. Let’s wait for the next demo.

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I know it’s pedantry and I’m not saying anything anyone doesn’t know but Andertons don’t do reviews, they do ads.

Jack is a great keys player but he’s not reviewing the products - his beaming smile accompanies everything.

This is doubly true for Behringer, as Andertons are a major stockist of their products.

Reviews are ads most of the time. Or maybe even all the time at this point. In time.
And even discussions on forums like this are ads.


Thats stretching it a bit. :joy:

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This doesn’t sound like phase cancelling to me. Besides, I would expect the stereo voice panning to affect the voices differently.

The filters sound great. The oscillators sound harsh and unpleasant, like a VA.

The Synth King demo consists of several timbres layered, with effects. Kind of hard to get a good impression of its basic sound.

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Embarrassing for Behringer. Looks cheap and sounds cheaper. $1,500 is a LOT better deal than $5,000, but the problem is this $1,500 synth sounds like it should be $150.

Just don’t buy it from Andertons and you should be OK. :smiley:

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I don’t think that it sounds as bad as in the video, just wait a little… and it actually looks nice but I would like to see it before me at some point before I would buy it. 5k for a synth is just not what I can afford as much as I would love to…

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Polyphonic aftertouch and MPE support makes this look like a promising backup option if the Osmose project fails for some reason.


If $5k is too much, don’t buy it. I get that. But I’m certainly not paying any amount of money for this product if it doesn’t sound MUCH, MUCH better than what I’ve heard.

True. I would expect a closer sound as well. Or at least a good sounding analog synth.

It kinda sounds as if the rythm wolf reincarnated as a poly synth in the andertons vid :laughing:


That’s a weak explanation. They’ve made hundreds of videos. The only use for the camera audio is to sync it to the audio track made in the DAW. And you delete it immediately. I can’t imagine a scenario where a video editor would leave the camera audio on a track. The waveforms are staring you in the face and the sound of two different audio tracks is pretty obvious, and really annoying to listen to when editing. The far more likely explanation is that the demo unit wasn’t ready, but Uli wanted to spoil the OBX8 rollout and no one had the guts to tell him no.


@GovernorSilver I must have missed this crucial info somehow. Can you point to where MPE support is documented?

About Jack, I’ve always thought of what he does as demos. Promotional, sure, but he’s got enough skills and an ear so that it’s not just at the PR blurb level, which is what I’d use the word “ad” for. If “infomercial” weren’t insulting, I might go so far as to use that word because he provides actual information to mull over. I did once see a session he held with the guy from Modal that was nothing more than uncomfortably adoring, but I think that one’s quite a few years old.

Except Andertons says there was a recording problem. You believe what you want.

But they haven’t pulled the video yet??
Someones telling porkies.

I’m surprised they haven’t pulled the video, it has an endless stream of funny comments. But maybe it’s a case of all publicity is good publicity, like the OP-1F price debate

100% this!

Do Andertons just turning a blind eye here when reviewing stuff like this?

It’s a far cry from “yes, company x sent me this synth for review, they are paying me, but no they don’t have any say over what we say about it” ala loopop / andrew huang.

I’m always very distrustful of getting balanced, honest reviews from anyone who will be selling the very thing they’re reviewing. This video is a perfect example of that.

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Andertons video. Near beginning. I couldn’t quite make out the details because of his accent/speech mannerisms

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