UDO Audio Super 6 Binaural Synth

This Patch is just amazing.


I posted on that other blue board but didnā€™t get any takers so am trying here. I know this synth can do clean and Rolandy, and all the demos lean into how beautiful it is. But I am also wondering about nastier sounds. @White_Noise has a couple later in his demo, but Iā€™d love to hear from others whoā€™ve explored this part of the synth. I love the interface and I like a clean Rolandy sound but I also like driven and FMed stuff as well. Of course, I could also put distortion on the output of the synth but Iā€™m curious what it can do on its own.

I need to look into that more actually, recent firmware added more precision to all the faders, so FM in particular should have a lot more tones. Filter drive is an option, though not as much of a ā€œone button nasty switchā€ as youā€™d expect. Iā€™ll see if I can cook up something this week, Iā€™m pretty busy though so it might get pushed back.

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We captured some weirder sounds here our first night playing with the desktop unit. Everything here is Super 6 aside from the drums. Not sure itā€™s nasty, but hopefully useful!


Never buy a synth for what you hope it can do. Doesnā€™t seem particularly suited to what you want but if the demos speak to you then you should consider. I have Super 6 and it sounds lovely, still gotta experiment with the Analog Heat that will be interesting.


Oh, I agree, but this is a case where I suspect there is a lot of possibility not captured in the demos. So thatā€™s why I ask. Of course, thereā€™s always the possibility of distortion after the synthā€”there not a huge difference in using a stereo distortion outside the unit from it having distortion inside it.

The drive on the Super 6 is much more of a sizzle than outright distortion.


Ok, Iā€™m back. I dug out some dirtier demos from the GS thread (buried amidst pages of sniping, sigh). And if I want more dirt, I could run it through my Xaoc Tallin or a pedal.

My last question before committing to a desktop: how do you handle it for sounds where you donā€™t want super wide stereo, where itā€™s part of a mix of instruments? There was some talk about this earlier in the thread, and a discussion of mono on Reddit, but Iā€™m looking for practical advice.

I know the stereo is a selling point, but would be my only hardware poly. I have a modular rig, so a few mono voices, plus software, of course.

Two options: for poly modes in the latest update, with binaural deactivated, shift plus LFO phase controls stereo spread. Default value is max but you can turn this down. It will not fold down completely to mono (my understanding is thatā€™s a limitation of the synthā€™s architecture), but it will not be completely wide anymore either. Gets much closer to the Sequential stereo sound of having multiple voices panned different places in the stereo field.

Option two is to only plug in the left output. Itā€™s not ideal, but that does naturally force mono compatible output.


I been thinking about this synth since SB 19 and now I very interested in the desktop version.

Any users of the desktop version here?
Anyone using the OT to sequence it?
How does it work with voice steal?
How is the internal sequencer?
Is there a way to program it on other device and load it into the Super6?

Thanks. Iā€™d be curious to hear how people are making stereo/panning/mono choices around the Super 6 in mixes with other sounds and instruments. And if anyone is using it as their main or only poly, or if itā€™s always in the ā€œanother cool flavourā€ category.

Unfortunately, canā€™t help you there. I only record my hardware very rarely due to terrible ergonomics when trying to do so in my studio. Something I hope to rectify in the next year, but for now I havenā€™t put a Super6 recording into a song. I use Vital with itā€™s multi-phase LFOs and stereo OSCs as my soft-synth close enough replacement.

Iā€™ve been making mostly deep house, and poly synths do one thing in deep house - hold a minor chord. So I can say that the super6 does a fine minor chord. Moves around enough to keep things from getting static but not so much that it gets in the way of the groove. It CAN do much more than that, but thatā€™s mainly what Iā€™ve been programming for the last year. I would say you could use it as your only poly synth if needed, no problem - you just might have to pull one audio cable out if you need true mono for some reason. I think the best way Iā€™ve heard this put is that the Super6 sounds like a polysynth that already has reverb on it. The binaural sounds just put it in space like that. I have been messing around with FX for the last year and Iā€™d say less is usually more with the Super6, unlike most others. But it always sounds just the right amount of wet. So if you need a super dry synth sound for some reason, you might struggle. Other than that, Iā€™ve almost sold my Rev2 twice since I got the Super6. The only reason I still use the Rev2 is because itā€™s right next to my UDO and itā€™s chord mode is way easier/better than the Super6.


Only know answers to these two.

Iā€™m not a fan of internal sequencers and this synth is no exception. The only reason I use it is that this synth doesnā€™t have a true chord mode, and the workaround is to create a one-step sequence with a chord at the slowest BPM that you can then transpose with one finger. Almost every time I try that, even while following the manual, I mess it up. Thatā€™s on me, but itā€™s how I feel.

There is not an external patch editor yet. There are whispers UDO is working on one, and I think there is a person on the UDO forums who was waiting on the full midi spec for the synth to be finalized before releasing theirs. I donā€™t know how long until either of those will be available, whether theyā€™ll be free, etc.

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New Firmware update v0.30 here: Support ā€ŗ UDO Audio

ā€¢ Foot Pedal (Expression Pedal) Range Doubled
ā€¢ Canā€™t load SEQ 14 or 16 and canā€™t select MIDI Channel 14 bugfix
ā€¢ Behaviour when no firmware file detected improved
ā€¢ Keyboard Octave saved with patch (Desktop only ignores octave and resets it to middle octave)
ā€¢ Drift function bugfix for Desktop users
ā€¢ Analog Input Gain Setting bugfix for Desktop users
ā€¢ Made more robust behaviour when PATCH disk unlocked for writing by PC/MAC


Anyone done a nice bass patch theyā€™d share a pic of?

Think I might grab the desktop version, this thing sounds too damn nice.

Only thing I donā€™t love is that there doesnā€™t seem to be a way to internally tempo sync arps or seqs, since no screen = no tempo read out.

What are yā€™all using to clock this thing?

Good news : the L.A. distributor will receive the Super 6 this week and it should be shipped this week to my local store. So, next week I shall receive my UDO Super 6.


you wonā€™t be disappointed


Ooooh Iā€™m in LA. Does this mean places like perfect circuit should have the desktop in this week?

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