UDO Audio Super 6 Binaural Synth

It should. Have you reserved one?

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Jealous. Moog Audio (Canada) told me mid-February. (I have reserved one.)

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My local store is Moog Audio Montreal. Desktop or Keybed? I see that you are in Montreal too so probably next week.

Same. But web sales said mid-February. I wonder what’s up with that? I ordered desktop. Did you? And are you dealing with web sales or the staff at the St Laurent store?

These days, ETAs aren’t the most accurate. I always deal with the staff (since 1996). I have ordered the Keybed version.

When I decided to buy the Super 6, I’ve contacted UDO to have an ETA. They gave me the infos to contact directly the LA distributor (a really nice guy). Since then, I’ve been in touch with him and he gave me updates regularly.

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Thanks. Probably just different shipments on keybed and desktop versions then. I don’t expect anything with ETAs except that people get told the same thing.

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The Desktop versions should be in the same order as the Keybed versions. This is the shipment from the end of October.

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My person wrote back and said that they’re not. So there we go. I hope you get yours next week, I will wait as patiently as possible…

Too bad they didn’t include the desktop versions in their last shipment. Maybe they didn’t have enough units assembled?

I hope so, thanks.

I have the tracking number of my unit. It should be at my local store next Wednesday.


Is that the desktop version?

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No. I thought the Desktop units would have been included in that shipment but it’s not the case. They will receive 3 keybed versions.

What a great day. New OS for DN, bug fixes for every Elektron devices when using OB and the arrival of my UDO Super 6 at my local store. I’m going to have a busy night.


It finally arrived today.


I am finally able to answer some of my own questions. It can get kind of nasty though it’s not “heavy” in sound, which is actually good in the context of a mix. Sort of a yang to the yin of something like an OB6. The filter drive adds nice harmonics, though I wish drive 2 just pushed the filter even harder.

Modulation options are crazy good. My only complaint is that I’ve accidentally changed presets a couple times.

To do:
Try it in mono
Run it through overdrive (like the “drive” knob on Sequential synths)
Explore the user waves more
Run Maths into the CV input

Here’s something that started out as the INIT sawtooth setting, and is just a held 9th chord with lots of intersecting modulations: it is very fast to get things modulating one another. In the middle there’s momentary gap. I’m switching from normal mode, which has voice panning (like on a Prophet) to Super mode. Even with Soundcloud’s compression, I think you’ll hear a difference.


Funny, I tend to think of the OB-6 as being very Yang, positive, warm and projecting whereas the Super 6 sounds Yin, i.e, colder, yielding, feminine and moonlike.


You’re right. I got my yin yang details wrong!

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Like in that Spinal Tap lyric “Yin was searching for his Yang”

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Things are a little quiet here so here’s a question:

Are people routing things into the CV input, and if so, have you figured out optimal levels, etc or any particular tricks? Is anyone automating via MIDI as well?

And an answer:

I remember asking about the distortion on the Super 6 on this thread. I now have an answer.

My wife and I were listening to some Alessandro Cortini this morning, so I went and did this:

Here’s what I did:

I self-patched my Filter8 in LFO mode, ran it into the Super 6 CV input, and use that to modulate the LFO, which in turn modulated a bunch of other stuff.

This is me hitting chords on my Linnstrument, and then tweaking stuff. All sounds and distortion are the Super 6. No EQ, added some compression to get levels up on the recording, and just to emphasize how “stereo” this thing sounds, I added a little reverb (Wet VST) but on mono.


Apologies for not trawling through this thread but are there any upgrades/enhancements with the desktop version?

Thank you!