UDO Audio Super 6 Binaural Synth

I gather OS updates have changed gain staging and slider behaviour some. The modulation routings are a bit different (covered in manual). Layout is different.



Desktop or lovely blue……hmmmm!!!

very nice

I’m having a problem with my Super 6 desktop and wondering if anyone here has ideas. I pinged UDO support but haven’t heard back (probably since it’s the weekend).

When I power it on, every light on the device just blinks on and off forever and no sounds plays. This started happening after I tried (unsuccessfully I guess) to update from 0.27 to 0.30.

The global restart sequence (holding MANUAL) doesn’t seem to do anything when it’s in this state.

Anyone else seen this and know a quick fix or another way to try triggering the reset?

Thanks for the kind words. On your issue, maybe try re-installing the update? I found a bug but didn’t know it was a bug so I re-installed a couple times.

Great, now I won’t feel balanced until I have an OB6

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UDO Super 6 Desktop available at Moog Audio in Montreal.

I got mine 2-3 weeks back and am really loving it.


Hello fellow Montrealer!

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Almost a week in with the desktop. Love it so far. No reverb and it sounds as lush as my Peak!


I just want to report an issue I have with my Super 6. I’ve contacted UDO and they are working on a fix. Here is the conversation I had with them :

Me : After troubleshooting, I can now confirm that my Super 6 is faulty. 50% of the time, when I power on my Super 6, no sound is coming out of it either from the Main outputs or the Headphones output.

Them : Thanks a lot for your message!

The issue you’re describing is related to the FPGA sometimes not starting or coming out of a reset correctly. While everything looks fine and all signals are normal, the FPGA occasionally just doesn’t start, which is something we were able to trace back to firmware version 0.27. The good news is that there is nothing wrong with your instrument in terms of hardware and that our developer is working on a fix. At this point I can’t provide you with an ETA just yet, but rest assured that we’re hoping to release it soon.

For the time being, just power cycle the Super 6 again whenever it doesn’t boot up properly. Once the synth boots up as expected, it will run without issues.

Anyone else has this issue?


I haven’t been having this issue on my keys version fortunately.

Hopefully they’ll get a fix for it soon.

FPGA’s can get complicated depending on what you do with them.

It’s totally possible that they didn’t account for some variations in certain hardware components.

This kind of stuff can cause issues in particular units and still only need software to fix it. Hopefully it’s any easy fix so they can be quick about it.


This is well known issue. I’ve had it for a full year and across all FW’s. Although it happens less than 50% of the time, but I suspect that’s a little exaggeration on your part :slight_smile:

Annoying but will supposedly be fixed, looks like they haven’t been able to nail it yet though.


Not even exaggerating here. I sometimes have to power cycle 3 or 4 times in a row to get sound. And the funny thing is everytime I want to show it to a friend, it happens (so, I have proof :smile:).

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Life is testing your patience :joy:
Don’t let life get on your nerves!

At least it sounds great once you get it to turn on :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


curious… does one of you two power it on/off via the synth’s power switch and the other just power on/off the outlet strip its plugged into? maybe that’s the difference and maybe the synth is doing something on boot-up that’s different between the two. just a wild hunch…


I was just thinking (my brain can’t stop thinking about how to fix problems).

A reset is usually a pin held to a low or high voltage.

Do you happen to have it plugged into a power strip?

The idea is that you turn it off from the power strip while the switch is still on (on the Super 6).

So the Super 6 stays on and the power strip is the new power switch (essentially unplugging it rather than turning it off).

This will help drain any residual capacitance in the electronics components. It might help with the reset issue.

Edit: I do this with my keys version, maybe it’s why I haven’t had the problem?

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HAHA :joy: I can’t believe we both just said the same thing at the same time!