UDO Audio Super 6 Binaural Synth

hah! well maybe that’s the difference and it’ll help @Tchu out. :crossed_fingers:

I don’t even have this synth, but I’ve experienced/avoided similar (minor) issues with others, that seemed unique to me, because I power them on/off at the outlet strip, like you.


@Airyck, @chiasticon, thank you.

I have my Super 6 plugged into a Furman Power Conditioner. When I don’t get any sound, I use the power switch from the S6 to power cycle. If I understand correctly, you are suggesting to use the power switch from the Furman?

I’ve got my S6 powered from a central switch and leave it on. I have not had this particular problem. So maybe it is the power on routine from the switch?

EDIT: forgot to mention I have the desktop.


Yes :+1:t2:


And leave the power switch on the Super 6 in the on position. That way the capacitors in the Super 6 will slowly drain their power.

Hopefully next time you turn it on it will be fully reset.


Seems to never happen with the grey version :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I have the gray version.

Awesome sounds! You almost sold me one with that video…

If only they made a black desktop, I’d be all over it. Don’t really like the white color scheme and for the price it should at least look appealing :slight_smile:


Thanks. If they had made a blue version of the desktop I would have got that, but got to say it looks amazing.

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No accounting for taste, but I like that my off white desktop shows no dust.

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I have yet to experience this.

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You could provide another data point.

Do you power on/off with a power strip or on the unit directly?


I power the unit on/off directly.

Maybe I will start turning the power off at the power strip now instead of the S6 to prevent issues down the road.

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My grey keys is plugged into a power strip but I always power on/off via the synth itself.

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I wouldn’t say one way is better than the other. It’s more that it could potentially help this specific problem.

Seems like the theory is n shaky ground since it’s all over the board here.

The best evidence will be if it helps reduce @Tchu’s issues.


So far so good. Didn’t want to report too early.


I’ve been enjoying mine but some things I am still figuring out. Am I right that pitch bend range is per patch and cannot be set globally?

Relatedly, is there a way to clear all modulation routings in manual mode? I feel like routings persist even between power cycling, and I like to build my patches from scratch (for now).

I suppose the solution to both is to make my own init preset?

Shift + Manual is the shortcut to an Init Patch.


Some devices have shutdown routines they perform when switched off at the device, but get bypassed if the power is cut farther up the line.

I´ve been watching all the videos, reading all the reviews and comments I could find, joining the Udo forum and super 6 FB groupe, stalking a desktop online at Schneidersladen for some time and tonight after putting the kids to sleep I put an order down…

Time to sell some stuff!


Features aside, for as many years as I’ve pined over synths, though the OB-6 is my dream, in reality I would buy the desktop Super 6 on looks alone, but I know it’s oh, so boss too. I love how it looks, perfect name for the juicy retro look it has, just coat it in some cigarette smoke and it’s on.