UDO Audio Super 6 Binaural Synth

This one has a mechanical on/off rocker switch, so it’s probably not the case this time.

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Yes this YT channel got some good demo videos, I’ve been listening to them while cooking to get an idea of the super6 sounds possible.

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I was listening to this while correcting my student’s exams.


Unfortunately I have experienced this on my desktop version as well.
The sound disappear while playing and I’ve had to power on off a couple of times.
Do you still have this problem? Any workaround? Did you contact UDO about this?

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Oops, it did it again a couple of times even if it was powered via the power conditioner.

It never happened while playing.

Post 412


It was worth a shot :confused:

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For sure. Troubleshooting is essential, it’s good for the brain. Thanks again @Airyck, you’re a gem.

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I just wrote UDO an email about this issue.
Maybe you should write them as well, so they know more people having problems with the desktop.

Can you link me to your forum post please, hard to find post 412 using the phone.

I started a new thread:

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Latest sounds from my Super 6. God I love this thing! No external fx used, doesn’t seem to need anything added to it.


Super 6 is a wide and full sounding synth, I think reverb isn’t really needed.

Delay Freeze
New Waveforms Pack


I combined my Super 6 and Peak to make some huge pads. I added a bit of distortion to the master from Trash 2, which I brought in occasionally. No other FX used.


Wow hard to believe there’s no reverb on there???

Sounds fantastic!

Edit: Jeez I wanted this synth enough before, watching some of the videos in this thread is making my wallet sweaty…

Sounds amazing this - everything I watch with the UDO gives me terrible GAS :slight_smile:

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Had one sold it. Just hard to justify the price for a small keyboard. The desktop version is way overpriced.

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