UDO Audio Super 6 Binaural Synth

12:20 - 13:00 ACTUAL CHILLS

Holy cow this is transcendant


I’d be interested in the desktop myself - definitely pricey but I’m starting to see the appeal. I’d possibly take this over the OB-8X…

Did you replace it with anything, out of interest?

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I actually started the very first Udo super 6 forum in collaboration with George. Had about 50 members. As a keyboardist i felt limited by the size of the keys. Great sound and all. The low end i felt was a bit lacking. I replace gear a lot. I think i got a Novation Summit.


quote=“sabana, post:274, topic:91795”]
I was one of the first to pre-order the Super 6 but backed out at the last second.

You bought one after you cancelled your pre-order?

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I was a Beta tester and got it for a discount which i sold. Then i preordered it. Hope this makes sense.

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Did you feel, like way overpriced in context to say something like an analogue desktop such as a Prophet 6, or OB6 for example? I’ve never owed any of these, but the UDO tends to get lumped into that bracket. Other than the points you made earlier with the keyboard version, it would be interesting to hear why you thought the desktop Super 6 doesn’t cut it for the money in your experience, if that’s cool. Thx.

Build quality of the UDO is second to none. One of the best built synths I have used. WAY better than my other synths like the OB-6 etc. I actually think it is underpriced. Overpriced would be the OB-6 that is $400 more omg.


Thanks for the insight.:+1: They do look good, and interesting to hear different experiences. Dropping £2000 is a lot for anything but seems better value than say an OP1 field or a new front door (which we’ve just had) :slight_smile:

I really like my Super 6. At one level all hardware polysynths are “overpriced” compared to a software feature set. They are also overpriced if you don’t want them or do t like the sound. The combo of build and features on the desktop works for me. I know I’m paying more for the build. that’s fine, it’s an instrument I play with my hands. I actually use it the way George intended—“losing time” with it. It is also one of only two hardware polysynths I own, and MPE is a big deal to me.


I agree that the OB-6 is somewhat overpriced, especially considering the build quality but if you want that sound there isn’t really any other way to get it. I was playing my OB-6 the other night and sound-wise it pisses over everything else I’ve ever heard, Including the Super 6 which sounds cold and flat to me. I wanted to love the Super 6 and I’ve listened to every demo out there.

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I bought my OB-6 when it was a lot cheaper. It sounds great I agree, but the current $3500 is outrageous. The desktop is a better deal at $2400. For $1100 you are literally getting 49 fatar keys, a mod and pitch wheel, and a worse layout. If I had the money and wanted an OB I would just save another $1500 and get the other new overpriced OB synth lol.


I bought mine secondhand but in practically new condition for a very good price. The prices now are ludicrous.

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I adore the low end. Yes it isn’t earth shaking but in the context of a poly and chords it is heavenly. So classy.


I suffer from Tinnitus quite badly im probably missing out a lot on the high end and over compensating😕

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Yes, agree about low end, it is certainly there and very nice.



These patches are amazing in person!

I would like to understand this one.

The Super 6 is connected in the A4 inputs. A4 is in OB mode. When I power on the Super 6, the A4 disconnect from OB. What’s going on? Anyone has a take on this?

Probably nothing to do with udo, better try asking in overbridge thread

Is the udo sending weird midi / usb messages or just audio ?
Does it happen with a different synth audio going into a4

The Super 6 is my Main Keyboard that sends MIDI notes through a MIDI hub to my DT via a MIDI cable. I’ll disconnect the cable and see if it makes any difference. I’ll also check if the Super 6 is sending any CC messages and see if I can filter them.

Thanks for the reply!

Edit : my MIDI settings are ok (not sending or receiving any CC or NRPN messages).

I tried the synth for the first time at our local music store (just music Berlin). It sounds so, so awesome!

But is it just me or are the faders super cheap? Never did I experienced that horrible faders. A few felt sticky, all had different resistances, some didnt really move, etc. Even the faders of my cheapest Behringer mixer didnt feel that horrible.
The rest of the unit felt awesome, but the faders really killed the fun playing with it.

Im aware that this could be just a problem with the demo unit. But still: all of the other 100+ displayed demo synths didn’t feel that cheap.