UDO Audio Super 6 Binaural Synth

I never buy things on promised features anymore but I made an exception for the desktop and I’m glad I did. The MPE button convinced me that they were serious.

Won’t get to try it for 10 days or so, so please find all the bugs for me in the meantime.


I was about to commit the midi to audio on a bunch of tracks I am working on and start mixing. Thought I would just wait until after to update but then they say: ‘Delay time sweep dynamics much improved’. I am using that on a lot of patches and now I am wondering…

Anyone get a bit more midi latency on their unit than on other synths? Using USB and not most recent update. Will try with Din tomorrow.

Editor available now!


This looks great. On holiday just now but will be buying this when I come back!

Here is the latest sound coming from my Super 6. Absolutely love this synth!


This is a synth you can look at as an investment, one you can learn inside out and it never gets boring. It can’t do everything but what it can do always sounds a cut above everything else. It is a perma-resident in my collection for this reason, had it well over a year and it still amazes me. It oozes class. Most synths have a honeymoon period and they eventually get sold.


Ok, 26 days. I love it. I loaded the update today and messed around with the Linnstrument. So much fun! I mapped aftertouch to resonance or crossmod, hit a chord, and just listened to different notes go in and out of focus as I varied the pressure in different fingers.


I’m excited to plug an osmose into my super 6 whenever the osmose becomes available


I’m going to sequence my avalon baseline with my cirklon while I play my osmose through my overstayer modular channel!

Well we can all dream I guess :stuck_out_tongue:.

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I’m impressed that UDO got the super 6 out the door so easily with covid! The Osmose was particularly unlucky repeatedly. With Cirklon they must all mine the materials by hand or something idk. I didn’t realize the Avalon was so hard to get!


A couple notes on the 0.52 MPE implementation since I’ve now been experimenting with it and going back and forth with support. I’m using a Linnstrument and DIN MIDI. Overall it works very well.

  1. Right now, the S6 listens on all 16 channels when in MPE mode. Since I use it with other synths, I had to filter channels upstream from the S6 so that it didn’t trigger regardless of channel. Eventually, they tell me this will be fixed.

  2. The only option for Y axis right now is filter cutoff, using CC#74. Eventually they plan to update it so that CC#1 will be assignable.

  3. I was able to make an INIT preset with MPE setup and ready to go, which is really nice.


I was at Gearlounge in Seoul today.my intention was to get a digitakt but the won to dollar exchange rate was not good. Instead I test drive the UDO 6 keyboard. 15 minutes of playing and sculpting was all it took. I bought the desktop since it was on sale plus a strong dollar. I’m on the metro right now excited to play it when I get to the hotel room. This synth feels like the Juno 106 but as a spiritual successor.


My desktop unit had a defective voice unfortunately. Still waiting on a replacement unit

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Wow, this is amazingly beautiful :heart:! Probably the best sound I have heard from this thing so far.


Thankyou! Much appreciated!

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Dieter says delete.

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Not really. You could use note number modulations as a kludge.


Every time I am on the verge of purchasing a Waldorf M, another synth captures my interest. This time around it is the UDO Super 6 Desktop. Both synths sound great, in my humble option. However, some of the factors steering me towards the Super 6 over the M is the lack of menu diving and inclusion of basic built-in effects.

From a firmware standpoint, is the Super 6 in a stable state?

There may be no menu diving on the 6, but there are about 100 button combos you will have to remember instead. So you will have to rely on your memory instead of your eyes. Also reverse engineering a patch is impossible due to this lack of visual feedback.

The 6 is stable, but has a lot of quirks built in so you may think you are encountering bugs when really it is just a quirk you are encountering.

Both sound amazing but totally different sounds.