UDO Audio Super 6 Binaural Synth

The OB-6 and Bass Station do this with a simple LED that lights up when you at the correct setting. I wish UDO would do the same.


Thanks for the info!

I will dig further into the button combos. I did not see anything that caused me alarm when scanning through the product manual. Observing the interface, there are some obvious shift button combos, but surely others exist that are less apparent. Hopefully, the workflow is not too cumbersome.

The lack of patch visual feedback is fine. Due to old habits, I prefer to work in manual mode, and document the settings via photos or paper diagrams after each session. Since this synth will go in my Techno studio space, I usually only have about four synths running for a given song. Overall, not too difficult to recall patch settings manually, but definitely something I need to consider.

Heā€™s not always my on the top of my list, but this Tim Shoebridge walkthrough is my favorite Super6 primer so far ā€” and very representative of what all the knobs do and the common combos you come across in practice.


This is exactly how I work with it. I really enjoy this synth for building sounds from scratch. I almost never call up a preset. If you want to deconstruct a preset, thereā€™s a 3rd party editor and itā€™s possible on a computer. I have not found a need for it because I work like you: I use it in wysiwyg mode.

There are a few choices to know about: coming from modular, I find some parameters a bit limited in range (Iā€™m more used to enough flexibility to reall sound like shit) but it contributes to the whole ā€œall sweet spotā€ vibe. Some parameters are a bit slewed, there are also choices on the way the attack and decay parameters are set up.

I agree a small screen could have helped in theory, but it works just fine. I canā€™t remember the last time I had to look up a button combo, many of the key shift functions are labelled right there.


Thanks for the feedback, everyone. I ordered a Super 6 Desktop earlier today. It should arrive next week.


Dieter says delete.


Dieter said, to delete.


Iā€™m envious! I have the desktop version since space is limited and I already have a master keyboard.


I love this synth!!


Congrats man!

IĀ“m on a desktop version as well and sometimes I wish that I had the key attached for the immediate playing use. But I got too many keys around and like the portability.

IĀ“ve had the super 6 home for the last week to focus on just playing on it and learning the panel. ItĀ“s just a really great sounding synth and fun to play. I havenĀ“t found any bugs yet, but IĀ“m sure thereĀ“s still some in there.
Give UDO a shout and let them know your findings, IĀ“m sure that thereĀ“s gonna be some firmware update soon to address those already found.


Those may or may not be bugs. There are only 6 modulators in some cases.

Dieter says delete.

Could be a bug, but I think that there are only 6 modulation LFOs, IIRC. See what support says.

Sounds like a similar issue that I had. UDO support confirmed I had a faulty voice card and I got a replacement unit. Check with them first though as your issue might be different.

Dieter says delete.

Dieter says delete.

The udo is my top 2 or 3 synth, * BUT* Iā€™ve been using the Chase bliss GL2 pedal on this, and it impresses me even more with spooky/lofi pads and plucks.

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My voice card issue affected every sixth note played when doing a chromatic scale in binaural mode, as well as every 12th note with binaural mode off. I had initially thought/hoped it was software, but alas.

My issue was more severe through, one oscillator (osc 1 I think) was fully broken/silent. So binaural mode would randomly have a note hard panned (because itā€™s corresponding oscillator was silent) and non-binaural mode would have some notes be silent if the mix knob was set to have osc1 only.

Hope this helps!

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Dieter says delete.

I was able to duplicate both bugs, neither modulation seems to apply to all notes. So Iā€™m thinking/hoping that this is a firmware issue.

Edit: VEL to filter seems to work fine for me.

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