UDO Audio Super 6 Binaural Synth

Just listened to this thing for the first time. Speechless. Like a Prophet, PPG Wave and Roland D-50 all rolled into one. So warm, such a beautiful sound

Has anyone any news on this. Ive heard nothing for the past month?

I think things tend to get delayed right nowā€¦


Hey sabana ā€“ The most recent iā€™ve seen (from March 2nd), apart from the Super 6 being made available to pre-order at a variety of places, is a good article and sound only video done by Perfect Circuit, on their Signals feature page. The article does a good job explaining the things that makes the Super 6 special, like exactly what Binaural Synthesis is, and why itā€™s called the ā€œSuper 6ā€. You can also listen to the video ā€“ it really shows off the binaural feature.

Perfect Circuit is one of the places that has the Super 6 available for pre-order, the UDO-audio page list other dealers.

I havenā€™t seen any direct information about any recent delays ā€“ if there is any, so i donā€™t know about that. Perhaps some of the retailers have some information.

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Cheers. Iā€™ve signed up for the updates. It seems to have gone mysteriously quiet all of a sudden.

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Just had a newsletter of one of the suppliers. The synth has been put on hold for a few months until flights to Germany where its being built recommence. Is this the same for all electronic products?


Just spoke to a supplier and they are just awaiting two small items and its good to go. Very frustrated as they said it would have been in shops by now. We march onā€¦


There is this whole global pandemic going on thatā€™s hammering Supply Chains and crushing small businesses into powder. I think delays on a very niche synth product from a new manufacturer are reasonable to endure.


Its already built. Awaiting dispatch from the German factory. Just waiting for two small parts as theyā€™ve okayed it for distribution when fitted. If you had ordered one believe me you would share the frustration.

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I get it. Thereā€™s always the anxious waiting when you have something nice on order. All Iā€™m saying is that, given the circumstances, I would also understand if things were delayed. :man_shrugging:t2:

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Thereā€™s a lot of understanding we are all in the same boat. The logistics of bringing a new synth into the world had gotten a whole lot harder.


No menus no lcd. It has been designed for fun. This is refreshing in an age where menus seem to be the order of the day.


George O Hanlon has just emailed a letter to say preorders are now on the way and should hit the shops in next few weeks. Good news in hard times.


Oh dear. Updated now to late summer.

That doesnā€™t make any sense, they should have known about this already. Somebody or something got screwed up.

This doesnā€™t affect the qualities of the synth, but it really can put anyone off, that is willing tp pay the substantial amount of money this synth requires. Time matters and doors close in a marketplace.

It also has got to be a major disappointment for them too.

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Yes its baffling. Later Summer to me is Aug,Sept.

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This is what I got 4 days ago:

ā€œWe hope this email finds you well. We would like to express our support for the musical community around the world, our thoughts are with those affected by the current global health crisis.
Here at UDO, the team remains resilient in tackling the challenges that we face, working hard to be as safe as possible whilst continuing to produce and ship our instruments. Unfortunately, due to the disruption caused by recent events, some delay in fulfilling all orders is likely to be unavoidable.
Despite this, the first series of Super 6 production has now been successfully completed. We continue to increase production daily, and are working towards making sure that all dealers who have ordered instruments receive them in the shortest possible time.
Thank you for your continued support, it means a great deal to us.
Please look after yourselves and each other,
George and the UDO teamā€

Latest update I got from Thomann is for mid-May.

Has there been an email since stating late summer?

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I got that mail. But i went further and wrote to George O Hanlon. This is what i got.

Hello Peter,

Thank you for getting in touch.
Given the current information available to us, we expect that if you were to place a pre-order now, you should expect to receive a Super 6, approximately, in late summer.
Please rest assured that weā€™re working hard to fulfil orders as fast as possible.
Hope that you are keeping safe and sound.
George is glad to hear that you may be synthesiser doppelgƤngers.

Best regards,

The last bit was that we both look alike. I asked some suppliers (Gak Andertons etc).and now they are saying pretty much that they are getting similar replies. Its very disappointing but then again understandable. (and they have available first batch orders available still if your wondering this email may be applying to a second batch. Its not.

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I put this video over in the Superbooth 2020 thread, but i queued up Georgeā€™s performance at the end on two Super 6s, he does a really nice performance, and the two Super 6s sound so nice together. Heā€™s showing off playing filter resonance across the keys.

Itā€™s also worth rolling the video back too, George does an overview of the UDO development lab/office, gives detail on the current state of production, a retrospective on his synth creation work, and then the performance above.


Thanks, Jukka. Watched the whole thing. Didnā€™t know they were making chips for Pittsburgh Modular and other companies already. Lovely home-made polysynths too.