UDO Audio Super 6 Binaural Synth

Sweet sounds. Goes to show the versatality of this beast. Someone says on youtube shipping on Reverb is 29th of April. This is winging it as nobody else is.

George talks about dates for shipping and the complications in the video starting at 4:00. He shows boxes getting ready to ship a 3:00.

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Sounds great. I think the price tag is reflecting what you are getting.

Itā€™s hard to ignore, especially when the creator (one of) is SO enthusiastic about what he is making.

Itā€™s come a long way :+1:t6:


Seems to be a bit of a conflict then. As my email came fom his production manager and George is saying something else. Iā€™m down for the first batch but im prepared to wait till August. The bottleneck has been the factory in Germany. That has thrown a massive spanner in the works.

Better news. It seems they had a bit of a communication problem . Weā€™re now looking at Mid May for pre-orders. So hopefully my unboxing video can soon go on Youtube :crazy_face:

Anyone else joining or thinking of joining the club here?



Would love to but out of my reach for the next years to come.

Looking forward to your videos ; )

Thanks ringokidf. Its going to be my main synth now. Now wheres the on/off button? :rofl:


Just to announce that after talking to George Hearn the creator of the Super 6 as of today a new forum has been created specifically for this new synthesizer. He is happy for it to go ahead and has run it by the UDO team. Anyone who has preordered or considering this new instrument is most welcome. Music and ideas and thoughts in general can be commented on and shown. Everyone is welcome.


congrats! I hope itā€™ll reach you asap and youā€™ll enjoy it! this is the synth Iā€™m probably most excited about and Iā€™m seriously considering buying one once things normalise a bit again.

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So looks like this vs summit comes down to FX, keybed size and bi-timbral features ā€¦ I see that bi-timbral is forthcoming in future firmware as well as needing connection to a PC to configure ā€¦ saw that on reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/synthesizers/comments/cfjvxk/new_information_on_the_udo_super_6_available/

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Nice demo from Matt Johnson of Jamiroquai


I cancelled my pre order. A loss of interest due to the firmware wait and the sounds have very few sweetspots. Something i noticed from all the demos. Maybe these demos arenā€™t doing it justice. The Binaural thing is a bit of a gimmick as it requires perfectly set up speakers which most of the time arenā€™t available. Something iā€™ve learnt is not to be swept up by somebody elses passion. I must be more true to myself.


Nice and wise comment. I hope youā€™ll not regret though.

I thought the UDO was already available :thinking:

Iā€™m not sure I agree it has very few sweet spots. But Iā€™m not convinced that it would sit well in a mix. Presumably if you didnā€™t want the binaural you could have 12 voices, with the possibility of bi-timbrality to come. But Iā€™d personally go for a Summit over this. Cheaper and more versatile.

The Summit is very much on my radar. Yes where will it fit in a mix? I struggled to cancel after the enthusiasm.

Iā€™ve had a Blue one on pre-order for over a month now. Been promised one of the first batch. Hope it drops soon. Will be my only hardware poly. Canā€™t wait!


Got one on the way too.
Been sucked in by the demos and his workshop at Schneidersladen.
He did a great interview with Mike Hiegemann, I love his enthusiasm for his craft and honesty about his design choices, I think UDO are going to make some future classics and what with my family being from Bristol too I had to support some homegrown talent.


I cancelled my order. I admire Georges passion. But the more i heard the more i thought this can be done on other synths. The keyboard was putting me off as for that price id want more keys and full sized. I hope he does well though.

The price is found in his component choices and machining. He readily admits its a niche item but I think this synth will lay the groundwork for future products and eventual savings. I think thereā€™s a place for something like this in a world of cheap clones and mk1, mk2 iterations

Hope you enjoy ir bro!