UDO Super 6 Desktop vs Keyboard

Ok so I’m biting the bullet next week and purchasing a Super 6. For the life of me I can’t work out if I should get the desktop or keyboard version.

I recently got an ob-6 desktop and I’ve found I’m not noodling on it as much as I’d like but that may be due to always rearranging my space and with a stable midi controller my studio may become more static.
I am completely in love with the layout and design of the desktop but I’ve also heard it referred to as a “players synth” and in that people seem to really like having the keyboard attached.

If I got the desktop I would mount it on a Vesa arm so I can float around the room with it but I’m also not opposed to having the keyboard version take up centre space…

Regardless I’m excited and with a h90 on the way I thing I’m in for a fun holiday period.


I went with the keyboard in the end as I found one at a great price interstate. I think I’ll learn to use it for a time and enjoy taking it room to room with the keys and then trade it for a desktop once I’m ready to settle.

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I’ve sold my keyboard and have a desktop coming today. The keyboard was lovely but it takes up a lot of space and I now have a linnstrument and digitone keys I can use to play the desktop.

Going to mount it on a vesa arm with my m for easy access.


So where there was formerly one piece of equipment, there are now 4? :grin:

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To be fair I already had the M and digitone keys haha.
But also “hi my name is Osaka and I am addicted to music gear.”