UDO Super 6 Desktop vs Keyboard

I’m wondering if anybody could chime in on any functional or experiential differences between the Keyboard and Desktop model UDO Super 6.

I just picked up a Desktop OB6 today and would like a Super 6 to pair with it but am not sure which would be a better option. Aesthetically I prefer the design of the Desktop but I imagine I may lean towards using it more if there was a keyboard attached.

Are there any interface differences between the two units? I have plenty of studio space and a couple decent sets of Midi Keys around.
Also planning to get a Linnstrument once it’s financially feasible.

Thanks for your input.

Never tried the keyboard. I have a desktop and the Linnstrument and quite like the combo. The faders have shorter throw than the keyboard and it’s laid out differently. I think it just comes down to preference.


From my experience with the super 6 it seemed like a performance synth that was designed around the keyboard. It was really laid out for real time tweaking while playing and there are a lot of controls around the pitch/mod joystick etc. I feel like a bit of the spirit would be missing with the desktop model. Even with an external keyboard controller it wouldn’t be the same. This is in contrast to the OB-6 keyboard that is just a worse-laid-out module version with 49 keys and a pitch bend and mod wheel put under it.


Exactly the kind of answer and reinforcement I was after. Thank you for this.

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I can’t imagine using the Super6 without poly aftertouch, so to me the keyboard is a waste.


There are some minor differences in modulation sources in the mod matrix I believe, due to the desktop not having the pitchbend stick - I think this means that it is replaced by note number as a replacement source on the desktop. But it’s worth double checking that in the specs.
For what it’s worth I have the keyboard and it’s magic.

That’s correct. But I like note number as a mod source.

As do I, would happily have it over the pitch stick as a source.

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Is it that the keyboard version doesn’t have poly aftertouch, but the desktop version can be synced to a controller for poly aftertouch?

I’m thinking of getting a desktop version. It’s got that early 80’s beta vcr feel

I only wish the desktop was in that cool blue the keyboard version has…

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I agree with this view of the keyboard version. I love mine, but I’m biased because I prefer keys whenever possible attached to my synth.

There’s a thought of longevity as well (if that is a concern). The keyboard version sliders (slide potentiometers) are an “off the shelf” high quality pot. The desktop ones are custom made for the desktop version. Down the road it may be difficult to find sliders to repair your desktop vs more widely available sliders of the keyboard version. Especially if UDO is no longer around or stops making them.


Also by then people will be selling used super 6 keyboards for less because the next big thing will be out. So it might be cheaper to buy a used keyboard then. I’d rather be a super 6 wizard now with hours put in and I can always upgrade to the keyboard if I want to later.

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Yes that’s why I got the desktop version. I can setup my EPS classic as the midi controller for the desktop .

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I’m not sure I understand what you’re asking so I’m going to be pedantic :slight_smile:

Both the keyboard and the desktop versions now support responding to poly aftertouch (I think it came in a recent firmware update?) But the keybed built into the keyboard version does not send poly-AT. Just regular old channel-AT.

So if you want to play with poly-AT and have the keyboard version, you have to ignore the built-in keyboard and plug in an external, poly-AT capable controller to use, instead.


That’s exactly what I was asking!


If and when a rev 2 of the Super 6 comes out with a poly-AT / MPE keybed, I will buy it.


And, dare I dream, a ribbon? You could basically take the keyboard/touchstrip combo from the Hydrasynth prime and put it on the Super 6 desktop to make my ideal synth.

Or you can buy any Ensoniq keyboard made after 1987 and they all have poly AT. I need to setup my EPS to my super 6 desktop. Ok that’s a weekend project

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So do the keysteps have poly aftertouch?
