UK Midlands Meetup

Are you playing?

Hopefully, but it’s a Model:Samples only minimal techno set I put together in a couple of hours last night, so adjust expectations accordingly

Ah nice - it’ll be ace . i was going to bring down my octatrack but I’m still learning it so maybe next time!

I get the impression the Nottingham one is a bit more professional than the Leicester crowd that I’m used to.

Still, it’s pretty much the perfect environment to be a bag of shit and get away with it


I just got PTSD remembering carrying an Ampeg 810 up the stairs at the Chameleon :cold_sweat:


just had a quick listen to your stuff on youtube, really nice mate!

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Bit all over the place.

Not enough editing, but cheers, all praise is gratefully received.

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Just got here - I’ve got an NY hat on - you find me man as there’s lots of folk that fit your description :sunglasses:

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I’m right at the front

FFS. It’s not bad enough that I’m old but now I’m actually living vicariously through synth nerds on an internet forum. Please have a beer for me.


Going outside for a fag now



It all worked out :muscle:

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No time to live vicariously…

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There’s a surprising amount of beer in my extension cable.

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nice set my man.

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You really were pissed then…

Record your set?

Fuck no.

I don’t need to relive that nightmare


I went to the Derby EMOM yesterday (Electronic Music Open Mic).

Was really excellent actually, and very friendly. Some outstanding performances, including from 50ft woman and Jim Glew to name just two of many.

Anyone interested in meeting up at future events?