UK Midlands Meetup

I mostly go to the Leicester and Nottingham ones, but I’ve never got round the doing the Derby one yet, which is odd, because they’re much more regular in Derby.

Might get down to the next one.

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I played the Derby EMOM in October, it was lots of fun but I found the same people play most months so skipped yesterdays. I’m hoping to go to the Nottingham one soon and I heard the Stoke EMOM is total mayhem

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Rob! Good to see you still doing your thing :+1:

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Do you know if the Nottingham one is restarting? Has been very quiet for a while.

Martin put a couple on last year, he’ll probably do another one at some point in the next two or three months (I hope) as both were well attended.

I’ll post up here as and when one is organised.

50ft woman’s performance was purely on digitakt btw - opened my eyes to what is possible with that box

Yh hope so, have enjoyed the Nottingham night.

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I’m in Notts and should keep an eye out for these events.

Malvern - close enough to gogo Jonny gogo!

Only just seen this thread - I’m in Malvern too. I want to set up a regular synthdronefreakout night - say hi be good to link up.

I’ll post them up as I see them.

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Hi Neil, I hope you’re keep well old chap

I’ll probably pop along to the Nottingham EMOM if I hear about it in time. I’m currently living in Stapleford

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Cool, I’ll add that to the diary!

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I’ll try and make it down for this.

I’m in stoke and never heard of this, will have to check it out :+1: and maybe nip over to Derby

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Went to the last Nottingham EMOM and really enjoyed it…especially the duck! In fact the duck stood out because it was so free-form. The other stuff was also super but different as it was heavily rehearsed and tres-professional…I was hoping for a bit more unplanned and raggedy stuff to encourage me/us to have the bottle to get up and give it a go :slight_smile:

If I play, this will be delivered.

I’ll cheer you on then…a happy accident is a musical treasure to me!