UK Midlands Meetup

I don’t have many of them.

It’s mostly just watching a fat man’s nervous breakdown for 15 minutes.

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Is my little boy’s birthday that day so won’t make it sadly.

Next Derby EMOM is 16th February. Will be going, anyone else?

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Wrong end of the Brian Clough way for me.

I might and saw there’s one in Leicester as well.

I wonder if these might become a lot more common now…

I think them calling this “the first of its kind in the city” is a bit unfair, since we’ve also had the EMOMs going for some time too.

Yeah, more opportunities to play is a good thing, but they’re definitely not the first to put this on in Leeds.

Yea, I’ve played two myself, and I know there have been plenty more of the ‘official’ EMOMs.
It did take me a long time to find out about them though, so maybe they just don’t know?

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The fact they keep refering to themselves as “beatmakers” suggests they might be a slightly different crowd to the usual EMOM bunch.

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Derby’s not that bad …

Derbados you mean !


High praise.

I’m now intrigued as to precisely what beatmaking is.

Is it essentially where the beats of a piece are played live, in a finger-drumming style, rather than being sequenced?

I dunno, I’d take it to signify those involved are more into making certain styles of electronic music rather than the more open ended “electronic music” of the more traditional EMOM nights.

Basically, they’d probably be less enamoured with my horror drone wallpaper music of doom than the other guys. Not that the other guys are over the moon with it, but what are they gonna do?

Feels like all the more reason to go along and play :grin:

@stiwon when people say “beats” I basically assume (probably fairly reductively) that it’s just hip hop that no one has put vocals on yet.


I’m in contact with a venue owner in Nottingham who has a couple of nice city centre bars.
Certainly one of the venues, despite the place being really nice, doesn’t pull in much crowd at night, even on Saturdays (he’s had me and mate DJing there in the run up to Christmas/New year but that hasn’t really worked, because why would it?)

I think he’d be open to a conversation about hosting music events.
I wouldn’t’ be looking to step on the toes of the open night at the Chameleon, so maybe something complimentary could happen - longer sets from fewer artist (OK, you guys) maybe?

To be honest, if we could pull in a decent chunk of the Midlands Elektronauts the place could get a good vibe going. I’m a graphic designer also, so could knock up basic promo material.

This is just top of my head thinking, but throwing it out there to see if its a conversation worth having.



I’d be well up for this.


I’d be up for it!

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Also, I wouldn’t be too worried about stepping on any toes.

I’ve spoken to Martin (who organises the EMOMs) a few times, and he’s more than happy for local peeps to pick up the mantle. In fact he’d probably be glad of it.

I suppose it’s as much about not wanting to duplicate the format - would seem a bit pointless.

I think the best thing is if I get hold of the venue owner and just sound him out.

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