UK Midlands Meetup


Crowds always seem pretty decent in Nottingham.

Definitely much better than dry old Leicester

Count us in

OK. So there’s a hitch at the venue I had in mind (should have asked that question before posting)

the alternative venue is still a possibility. it’s complicated by the fact that the place is already busy at the weekends.

I’m hoping there’s still mileage in this, it’ll just be less straightforward.

I’m very happy to spread the word about any event that happens… But limited on what else I can do due to young children, but will definitely come.

I suspect most emoms during the week - hard to find a good venue that is not wanting to pack drinkers in I guess.

I think that’s the case for most of us.

First venue is now a no go, but I’ve another in mind.
I’ll actually speak with the owner of this place before giving it the big one on here this time.

If there’s enough willing on here I’m sure we’d be able to sort something between us.

UPDATE as promised:

I spoke to the owner of a Nottingham city centre bar that I know.
As I thought, Saturday nights would be a no go, on the basis that the place is already busy so no need to change the format.

he said it might be possible to do a Friday night if that worked for people.
I didn’t get into any details with him, so this isn’t a cast iron guarantee, but he was open to the conversation.

So the first question is would a Friday night work for people?

The other major consideration is the technical requirements.
This is not a live music venue. There would be room for a table and that’s about it.
The table is currently used for decks and DJ mixer to give you an idea of space.
There is no mixing desk in the venue, so at best you’d need to be summing your own gear down to a stereo out, or possibly 2 stereos outs running into a DJ mixer.
Obviously we don’t want Emerson Lake and Palmer rocking up, but if the above limitations are a deal-breaker say now.

My inclination is to go with a selected lineup rather than an open mic thing.
Fewer sets, and let people play a bit longer.
I don’t think I’d be playing anything live, but would likely try and cover the interlude music.

I’m just looking to canvas interest at this point.



I’m very interested, both as a punter and potential performer.


And you’ve worked out how to get audio out of your laptop, right?


To be clear; if there was any mileage in this I would have zero issue with anyone playing from a laptop.

In fact it would be actively encouraged.

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I’ll definitely come, and enthusiastically help with any setup. We’re around most Fridays, although will be away some weekends.

Not yet ready to perform - am still very much at the beginner stage.

Something I have noticed from other EMOMs is that a limiter is a very useful thing to have, to avoid wrecking people’s ears or equipment as their dodgy hardware puts out a signal that is too loud. I do have a dbx unit that I could bring, which have used live with acoustic instruments to avoid feedback spikes, and works fine

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Yeah, no problem.

I’ve got a little MOTU M4 for getting the sound out.

I did have an issue with the right channel, but only when doing screen capture.

Top man.

Funnily enough I was discussing this last night with Nuss1Suss and it was mentioned that a limiter or similar would be required.

It’s a dbx go rack, so nothing sophisticated, but the limiter works - I used to do looped acoustic violin through it years ago, which is a style of music very prone to feedback.


Shouting out to a few more of the known midlands folks.

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I’d be interested and running stereo out is no problem. I’d just need to work out some sort of set. Any idea about the pa speakers and would a quieter chilled set work best?

I’ll get a proper spec on setup as we gauge interest.

I’ve no set agenda in mind as regards to what kind of sets would work best.

I dj in the bar on a regular basis and I play almost exclusively 4/4 minimal house, but last week I chucked on stakker humanoid, and people were loving it, so there’s scope to bang a bit.

The only consideration would be that if it was a Friday you’d still have the regular crowd and walk ins, so it might be best have anything a bit avant garde earlier on rather than peak time.
After 10pm I think people will be expecting something with a beat.

I’d be up for playing a set of mashed-up weirdness. Two machines into my little mixer, so stereo out. I’d need plenty of notice tho, I’ve not played for ages and all my stuff is packed away at the moment

Yes please. Happy with whatever night you find. There’s 3 of us btw.

EMOM Nottingham tomorrow night…bright pink UCU beanie if anyone wants to say hi.

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:frowning: wish I could come - it is the little ones birthday, so can’t make it out. Have fun.