Ultimate Bassline Weapon

Mother 32 + Analog Heat

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How much room does your mix have?

  • fat and all over the place: se-02 (and other moogish stuff)

  • lean and clean: system-1(m)

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exactly! I was excited when first thing out of the box, it was making those wavetable-like basses (which I didn’t have a means of generating in my setup beforehand)


Erica Synths Bassline Module and Bassline DB-01 is a beast for Basslines.

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Nord Lead 2X with Analog Heat

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If I need to ruin a set of speakers I usually reach for the Waldorf Pulse+ or my Pro-One piped into my Sherman Filterbank2.

The Pro-One triangle wave is great for those low, clean, deep tones.


Damn. Pro one and a filterbank is a formidable combination.


A Moog Sirin into an Akai MFC-42 Analog Filter.


I broke a set of resistors about the size of a pinky finger with that combo. :joy:


I really enjoy my db-01 for baselines.

SH01A, DFAM, Mother 32 <3

I’m also drunk and jamming out on all of those so all of my bass lines sound pretty thicc to me right now. :slight_smile:

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The DB-01 is amazing! I need to get another one sometime.

Right now, my basses come from:

AFX Station
Hydrasynth (HUGE BASSES!!! Maybe too huge :smiley: )


I mostly use the one of the following synths for bass:

  • Moog Sirin
  • Pittsburgh Modular Lifeforms SV-1 Blackbox
  • Roland Boutique SE-02
  • Waldorf Pulse 2

I miss my SE-02 </3

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I recently (re)incorporated my Moog Minitaur with my Octatrack rig and other than the rare stuck note (known issue with OT and some Moogs due to note off handling), it flipping shakes the room. Love it!


I usually use my slim phatty or Bass Station 2. If I want something really chubby I’ll use the Erica Synths Bassline in my eurorack case. the sub osc on that thing is just mud city in the best way.

I have quite a few big synths, but the MI Shruthi basslines sit in the mix so beautifully… It’s massively overlooked.

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Well, I started in analog with the Arturia Minibrute, and I dreamed of owning a Moog Sub Phatty. I now have both. Been using the Sub Phatty since it has midi CC over all the controls with my OT. But I enjoy what I get out of the Minibrute as well as the Sub Phatty.

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For classic analog Moog Minitaur. Otherwise Digitone


Toraiz AS-1 or Novation Nova engine.
Depends on the situation
VSTi wise: Monark, Massive or TRK01 will do the job as well. Surge very good at it also :slight_smile: