Unable to Mute tracks when sequencing externally


I am sequencing the 4 tracks of the Digitone individually from Ableton, and the audio signal is then routing back to Ableton via external mixer. When I try to mute the tracks on the digitone, nothing happens - in either mode (green/purple).

Is there a way to do this, or is the mute function of the digitone actually just ‘muting’ the internal sequencer? I’ve played around with the mute destination in the settings, trying both int+ext but no luck.

I have done a search of the forums but can’t seem to find anything relating to Digitone specifically. Thank you for any help!


Sounds like ur using cc94 for mute but try cc95 for volume. I think mute only works for notes sequenced on the digitone. Its my workaround for externally muting fwiw.

Thanks for the reply orion, I should have been more clear - I’m trying to mute using the track buttons on the digitone rather than using CC messages. Good to know though, will use that info if I end up doing it with CC.


So ur sending notes to the digitone that are coming from ableton? maybe you could get the digitone to send mute to ableton instead of the other way around. I think the track volume trick is worth a look into. Theres a lotta quirks and midi handles some of them.

I experienced the same issue when I sequenced the Digitone through the Digitakt. Neither mute mode worked and even though I couldn’t find a logical explanation for it since the sound is still coming from the Digitone I just started using the Digitone sequencer additionally. Not a big issue in my case but still a weird thing to not being able using the mutes when sequenced externally.