Unable to Update Rytm MKii


I am trying to update my Rytm from 1.61B to 1.61E and when I connect to Transfer and drag/drop the .syx file it says incompatible OS (see screen grab) When I try using the syx transfer in overbridge it shows me the percentage of the transfer but the device does not show a status bar, just sits in OPS Upgrade mode waiting for syx. I also tried using SYX Librarian and it does the same, shows a percentage like it is loading it but no status change on the Rytm. I have tried with overbridge turned on under USB setting, tried with it turned off an USB selected as well as USB + Audio, nada. Anyone know what I am doing wrong here? I have updated Elektron machines before and never had a problem.

Any help on the OS upgrade is appreciated

Is there a different version for Mk I and MK II?

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Oh snap! I think that is it! My Google search took me to the page and i didnt even check which Rytm it was for. I just went specifically to the AR MKii page and the file name is slightly different I am a fool. Thank you thank you :slight_smile:

Yes, that was it. Both are the same version but one is for MKii. Thanks again.