Undo Live Rec?

Is there anyway to undo a live recording right away? Right now I am having to go into REC mode and manually turn off all the note trigs…Is there any quick way to immediately undo the live recording for the current track or whatever?

You could copy the pattern before LIVE REC. And use paste as an undo :slight_smile:


All you have to do is press function and the play/clear button at the same time. It clears the track and you don’t have to leave live record mode.


in Rec mode:
press Funktion + Play to clear the hole track or Page + Play to clear the current seen page.

Thomas :slight_smile:

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oh i misread the post you want a step back/undo function.

I could clear track but then the previous note trigs would be missing as well…guess there is no undo ;[

if you save the pattern each time you can use the reload pattern to get back to the previous state…

I swear deep in an unrelated thread someone had the shortcut for this. I dont remember the shortcut or thread and I’m not sure it even worked. But I’ve been wanting to know myself…

Anyway to make what you’re doing easier you can press multiple trigs and clear them all at the same time.

Jumping in 7 years late because this is the top result on google for “analog rytm undo live record”.

If you want to undo what you just live recorded, but don’t want to erase the whole pattern (which is what happens if you hit func + play/clear), you can hold NO + any of the pads you want to erase trigs from.

It isn’t immediate; you have to hold down NO + the pads that have trigs you want to erase (multiple pads can be held at once) as the sequencer is playing so the trigs get erased as the sequence reaches them, but it’s better than exiting live record to normal record mode and pressing all the trigs to erase them manually.


i wish i had figured this seven years ago