Unexpected pattern playing in song mode


I’ve created a song with three patterns:

A01 - empty
A02 - BD and SD
A03 - BD and SD and CH

If I play the song, and stop on A02 or A03 and click the stop button twice, the song returns to A01 (the empty pattern). If I press play it shows A01 (empty pattern) playing, yet pattern A02 or A03 (whichever pattern I had stopped on) is actually playing.

The only way I can get back to starting the song again and really playing the empty pattern is to hit the stop button twice, select pattern A01 manually and then hit play. While this will actually play the A01 pattern, it displays it as “E01” and plays the A01 pattern 4 times before finally playing A01 while displaying “A01” and beginning the song.

I’m assuming that I’m setting things up incorrectly as this would not make sense to me as a workflow and my Octatrack and A4 do not require this additional step of loading the first pattern manually, returning to the beginning of the song is adequate.

In explanation of this would be appreciated.

